10 miler today


So I didn’t push it today since it was recovery, but I tried to be consistent for all the miles – one foot in front of the other [1fifoto] as I say. However, after 10 miles I was starting to feel drained which disappointed me. I was hoping that I’d be better at the end of this short distance. Maybe it was because I didn’t have any fuel or electros during it – just water at the stops. Nevertheless my legs didn’t throb afterwards which is good. So I’ll just keep on keeping on.


P.S. Another speedwalking comment happened, so I’m just going to have to live with it – maybe I should just embrace it and become a speedwalker – HAH!

Mile Pace
01 11:32
02 11:01
03 11:09
04 10:19
05 10:08
06 10:33
07 09:37
08 10:10
09 10:20
10 10:24

My results for the past few days


I ran the 5 mile Turkey Trot with my son a bit fast (note: I didn’t start my GPS until 0.38 mile was done). I was surprised by the pace throughout.

mile pace
01 9:42
02 9:14
03 9:09
04 8:35
05 8:33
Total 41:53.1
Average 8:59

Here is my 20 miler today with an average of 11:03 per mile and I wasn’t pushing it at all, if anything I felt sluggish/slow because of all the turkey/food I’ve had. So I’m again surprised by my results

01 11:54
02 09:42
03 10:58
04 10:44
05 10:48
06 10:53
07 10:40
08 10:48
09 12:37
10 10:30
11 10:31
12 11:18
13 11:12
14 11:39
15 11:12
16 10:53
17 10:09
18 12:06
19 11:27
20 11:34
21 09:46


18mi long run times from today

Dear Cindy,

So today went well I think. I stayed focused, keep my pace relatively constant, fueled at 7 & 14 miles w/ electrolyte tabs, and completed in 3:17+. My average pave was 10:47. Very few people were around me while running especially at the end – IOW it was quite lonely, but I listened to my iPod. So regardless it was a good day. My legs were throbbing afterwards, but a choc milk helped. However, I was quite stiff after sitting for a few hours at the 1:30 PM IMAX showing of Skyfall.


01 11:15
02 10:34
03 11:05
04 10:32
05 10:21
06 10:09
07 09:50
08 11:10
09 10:22
10 11:16
11 11:28
12 12:40 (stopped to talk to Nedra about cake baking for a min or two at water stop)
13 10:49
14 11:30
15 10:23
16 10:21
17 10:46
18 10:05
19 09:28

Last weekend’s long run times

Hi Cindy,

You asked me to send you my long run times so we could try and find my goal MGP. Here are the times from last weekend. Although you told us not to go beyond 10 miles I accidentally forgot to turn around at Bobbie’s 5 mile water stop and continued on for about .6 miles before I realized it. Oops!

1 11:48.8 1.00 11:49
2 11:10.2 1.00 11:10
3 10:40.5 1.00 10:41
4 11:14.3 1.00 11:14
5 10:50.6 1.00 10:51
6 10:37.1 1.00 10:37
7 10:54.8 1.00 10:55
8 10:52.5 1.00 10:53
9 10:56.2 1.00 10:56
10 10:22.4 1.00 10:23
11 09:38.5 1.00 09:39
12 03:13.9 0.34 09:29
Total distance: 11.34
Average Pace: 10:47


Need your input – what should my MGP be?


So I have no idea what MGP I should consider as my goal – right now I’m guessing 11min/mile might be about right – but that’s not what I did. Today I decided to push it a little (not a lot though) – in other words, run at a concerted effort right from the start until the end of the MGP. I wasn’t focused on my watch and time per mile at all. So here is what I did for my 16 miles today (see below). After 10 miles I had 2 electrolyte tabs and a Clif shot and I probably should done that earlier (around the 1 mile easy). BTW The final three miles were a struggle, I was all alone (that’s nothing new this year – sigh) listening to my iPod and I had to push myself to get ‘er done. At the end I was fully cooked – I don’t think I could have gone any farther. Yet, I had run a progressive pace for those final 3 miles – go figure. Legs throbbing for about 30 minutes afterwards, but now at home they’re OK.

So my question is… what should my MGP be?


P.S. So it happened again – on the way up Congress a young lady next to me said that I was an excellent speed-walker. I didn’t answer since I was listening to my iPod – that is, I kinda ignored her. I need a snappy comeback. Maybe I should say how her pregnancy makes her glow. Grrrr. I’m sorry that I’m slow and my form is terrible. I’m doing the best I can. At least I’m out there doin’ it. Maybe next week we need to have a very short runner sensitivity speech by Ruth before our long run about this.

01 11:00
02 09:22
03 10:11
3 miles at MGP (first mile includes 20-30 secs time at water stop)
04 10:42
05 10:00
06 09:48
1 mile easy (I did try to slow down a bit)
07 10:31
3 miles at MGP (first mile includes time at water stop)
08 10:06
09 09:34
10 09:54
6 miles (first mile includes big rest talking to Larry at water stop about NYC marathon cancellation)
11 14:56
12 11:39
13 11:04
14 11:24
15 10:36
16 09:49
17 09:06 0.22mi

Re: progressive


This weekend was about the same as last weekend. I ate a light breakfast of cereal beforehand and at 8 miles I has a Clif Shot and 2 electrolyte capsules. I felt better during the run and was quite consistent mile to mile with my pace. At the end up Waller I was moving along quite well. Yet when I ended I still had throbbing muscles so I stopped for a choc milk on the way home which helped them subside.


01 10:45
02 11:00
03 10:47
04 10:40
05 11:08
06 09:44
07 10:31
08 10:17
09 10:58
10 14:45 (talked to Nedra for a while at the water stop)
11 11:17
12 11:31
13 11:27
14 11:46
15 10:12
16 09:44

Today was tough for me

Hi Cindy,

Didn’t see you this morning, but today was tough for me. I did the L2 of 14 miles. I finally got to a distance that is over my normal. I found that my legs were aching/throbbing afterwards. All I had during the run was water. So when I got home I had some sweet grapes. I’m fine now, but I’ve got to start considering using some type of fuel/hydration/salts during my runs. I’m not a lover of things like Gatorade. My concern is that while I’m on weight-watchers to get my weight down I’ve got to take just enough calories to help me out during the run. This is a tricky balancing act now that the mileage is getting up there. Thought you should know.


Race Prep Results


OK, here is what I did today. I started out immediately since I only needed 15 m. So no warm-up for me. Most everyone else went right at the corner and I went left – up the hill and into the wind. Without a firm pace my start-up set the pace, in other words, what will be will be. I was trying to keep it about 10 min/mile – slow I know and not BQ qualifying (@9:06), but that was my plan for today. I wanted to see how I’d do over the distance and at a consistent pace (whatever it was). I did stop at the restroom at mile 3, and at mile 10 for water otherwise I ran the rest straight. After the stop at mile 3 I missed up and forgot to start my Garmin for about .9 mile which frustrated me since I really wanted to know each mile’s split. I ran with my iPod so if I ignored you at mile 5 that’s why.
Here is my Garmin output

1 00:09:47 1.00 09:47
2 00:09:07 1.00 09:07
3 00:08:53 1.00 08:53

4 00:09:07 1.00 09:07
5 00:09:46 1.00 09:46
6 00:09:22 1.00 09:22
7 00:09:07 1.00 09:07
8 00:09:07 1.00 09:07
9 00:09:19 1.00 09:20
10 00:10:42 1.00 10:42 <== includes water stop at mile 10 11 00:09:50 1.00 09:50 12 00:09:25 1.00 09:25 13 00:08:59 1.00 08:59 14 00:09:23 1.00 09:23 15 00:01:14 0.14 09:01 My average pace was about 9:30 min/mile. My ankle/heel didn't really bother me. I took an Advil beforehand. My groin developed over time (a burning sensation) but I just tried to ignore it. I am worried that it will get worse and worse over the distance especially in Boston at the hills at the end. I'm trying to do what everyone else is doing within bounds. Personally I think I'm doing it. Overall it was a good day even with the wind and the chill. Bri

Race Prep 3 – Soul Buster

I’ve been worried about this one. I even took off yesterday in preparation. We were to do a 4 mile warmup, then 5 miles at MGP, then 1/2 mile recovery, then 5 more miles at MGP, then hills and more hills, then the Town Lake Trail, then 6 miles on the S. F. Austin track (2 miles MGP or 9:06min/mile, 2 miles HMGP or 8:42min/mile, 2 miles 10K or 8:13min/mile). Here is what came to pass (courtesy of my Garmin whose accuracy might be suspect): first MGP set: 8:39, 8:51, 8:46, 8:53, 8:43 (too fast); second MGP set: 8:45, 8:53, 9:21(?! Pecos hills maybe), 9:09 (Scenic hills maybe), 8:59 (just right); track MGP miles: 8:49, 8:34 (too fast); track HMGP miles: 8:18, 8:13 (too fast), and track 10K miles: 8:15, 8:09 (just right). So I’ve got to say that I did OK. Sigh. I’ve got to stop worrying! I’m in good shape and what will be will be.

Race Prep 2 – 2×10 @ MGP

Although I was at the far back of the pack trailing everyone, I did what was requested – 2×10 miles at MGP or better (9:06)

Here is the first set from the Garmin 101 geekometer (if that can be trusted). I really tried to slow it down. The mile at 9:00 is the water stop at mile 5. Note: The Garmin only said we did only 9.8 miles.

Split Time Dist AvgPace
05 00:08:37 1.00 08:37
06 00:08:53 1.00 08:54
07 00:08:42 1.00 08:42
08 00:08:40 1.00 08:40
09 00:09:00 1.00 09:00
10 00:08:49 1.00 08:50
11 00:08:34 1.00 08:34
12 00:08:58 1.00 08:58
13 00:08:53 1.00 08:53
14 00:07:39 0.86 08:51

Here is the second set. Again the 9:50 mile was the water stop at mile 5.

Split Time Dist AvgPace
17 00:08:43 1.00 08:44
18 00:09:09 1.00 09:09
19 00:09:20 1.00 09:20
20 00:09:00 1.00 09:00
21 00:09:50 1.00 09:50
22 00:08:53 1.00 08:53
23 00:08:43 1.00 08:43
24 00:08:48 1.00 08:48
25 00:08:32 1.00 08:32
26 00:07:10 0.85 08:27

There were a couple of miles on the second loop where I was over 9:06, but overall I felt satisfied with the results. I walked the last mile (mile 11) after completing the set and was very stiff and cramping in my lower legs so I’ll need to work on that.