Town lake w/ friends

I ran Town Lake loop with friends Kevin, Ed, and Stacie. Just before starting Barb and Ron talked to us and then left since they weren’t doing the 10 mile loop. When we started at about 7:10 AM Stacie and Kevin led, but after five miles Kevin and Ed stayed about 20-50 yards ahead of Stacie and I. I enjoyed talking to Stacie who I just met. She has done some interesting things in her career and as I listened the time and distance flew by. The weather was great, and running with others was great too.

Running log week of 2007-03-25

3/25 – Sunday – Cap10K – 6.1 + 1 mile warm-up – 64 minutes
3/26 – Monday – off
3/27 – Tuesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/28 – Wednesday – Cross-train on Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
3/29 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/30 – Friday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/31 – Saturday – Town Lake Loop – 10 mile – 2:09 (approx.)
Weekly mileage: 27 miles

Statesman Capitol 10,000

I just finished the Austin-American-Stateman Capital 10K. I had picked up my bib number on Friday night. When I picked it up I was surprised to get a low bib number (505/blue). Somehow they considered me special and I didn’t deserve it. Maybe it is because I have done this race for the past 12 years. This race got me running in Austin. But I have to thank Nancy B. and Micki G. who convinced me to do the first one even though we walked it together. But I digress. When I arrived this morning I was in the second corral (one down from the elites). The corral was almost empty whereas the next one (orange) was packed, but I saw a few running friends and hung out with them before the race. When the race started I followed Sadie and Megan, but soon realized that they were running too fast so I stopped for a drink of water and I let them go ahead. This helped me because I then don’t keep trying to catch up to them. I’m kind of competitive that way. So I hustled along by myself and took two more water breaks along the way. Just after the 6 mile marker, Chris G. was yelling for me to use my kick for the last little bit. I appreciated that and tried my best down the chute. My official time is 53:42 or 8:46/M. My splits were: Miles 0-3: 26:15; 4: 8:34; 5: 8:37; 6: 8:46. For someone who is just taking a break from running and having no track workouts I was quite statisfied with the results.

Simpler times

Over the past few years I have been running with more and more specialized running apparel. This includes polyester tops, and shorts. Well today I pulled on a pair of cotton shorts and a regular cotton T-shirt and ran 3 miles around my neighborhood. Back to the basics.

Running log week of 2007-03-18

3/18 – Sunday – off
3/19 – Monday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/20 – Tuesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/21 – Wednesday – Cross-train on Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
3/22 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/23 – Friday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/24 – Saturday – off
Weekly mileage: 12 miles

Running log week of 2007-03-11

3/11 – Sunday – Town Lake Loop – 10 mile – 1:45 (approx.)
3/12 – Monday – off
3/13 – Tuesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/14 – Wednesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/15 – Thursday – Cross-train on Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
3/16 – Friday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/17 – Saturday – Town Lake Loop – 10 mile – 1:40 (approx.)
Weekly mileage: 29

Running log week of 2007-03-04

3/4 – Sunday – Town Lake Loop – 10 mile – 1:45 (approx.)
3/5 – Monday – off
3/6 – Tuesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/7 – Wednesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/8 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/9 – Friday – off
3/10 – Saturday – off
Weekly mileage: 19 Miles

Running log week of 2007-02-25

2/25 – Sunday – off
2/26 – Monday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
2/27 – Tuesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
2/28 – Wednesday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/1 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/2 – Friday – Neighborhood – 3 miles – 30 minutes (approx.)
3/2 – Saturday – off
Weekly mileage: 15 miles