Running log week of 2008-12-28

12/28 – Sunday – Town Lake – 10 miles – 1:44
12/29 – Monday – Neighborhood – 6 miles – 60 minutes
12/30 – Tuesday – Class (Fartleks) – 5.5 miles – 60 minutes
12/31 – Wednesday – off
01/01 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 8 miles – 80 minutes
01/02 – Friday – off
01/03 – Saturday – Marathon First Miles – 18.3 miles – 167 minutes
Weekly mileage: 47.8 miles

Runtex to Rogue

I ran 18 miles from Runtex at Gateway in far north Austin to Rogue in downtown east Austin. The course was simplified (read this as less hills, because Ruth felt sorry for us after last week’s super hilly course). For some unknown reason I felt strong running and didn’t get stiff. Maybe it was the cookies I ate. You see the night before I found out I had only one Clif Shot for the entire run. So I filled a baggie with four chocolate chips and a few brownie cookies. Each water stop after about 5 miles I had some – messy but yummy. I never minded the flavor in my mouth unlike Clif Shots or other gels. I’m now wondering if those cookies were magic since today’s run was so good. Maybe I’ve not been fueling myself well. I ran with Keith, Richard and Terry. After the first water stop Keith went on ahead and was gone. I never saw him again. At that stop I waited for Richard and Terry who were behind me, but I didn’t realize that they didn’t stop and continued on. So for the next leg until the next water stop I was alone and wondering how I missed them. I kept up my pace and chased a crowd of people about a tenth of a mile ahead of me. I caught them at the second water stop and found Richard and Terry with them so ran with them until Lake Austin Blvd around mile 11 when I slowly went out in front. They caught me at the Mopac bridge and then on the trail I went out ahead again. Next Richard caught me at the Town Lake trail mile 0, but I kept pulling ahead. Somehow I just felt comfortable running at my own faster pace today. I wasn’t as stiff today. What’s up with that? Up Waller to Rogue, which typically is a death march, was not so bad either. I finished in 2:51:27 or 9:28/mile. Not bad if I say so myself. And Richard arrived about a minute after that, and Terry a few minutes later. I drove Mike, in Geezer’s group, north back to Runtex, and headed home. Good run. Here is a link to the route.

Running log week of 2008-12-14

12/14 – Sunday – off
12/15 – Monday – Neighborhood – 6 miles – 50 minutes
12/16 – Tuesday – Class Marshes (but ate too much before hand, felt awful) – 6 miles – 60 minutes
12/17 – Wednesday – off (on vacation)
12/18 – Thursday – Neightborhood – 10 miles – 100 minutes
12/19 – Friday – off
12/20 – Saturday – Runtex to Rogue (felt strong, not stiff) – 18 miles – 171 minutes
Weekly mileage: 34 miles

Running log week of 2008-12-07

12/07 – Sunday – Decker Half Marathon – 13.1 miles – 1:57:48 (official)
12/08 – Monday – off
12/09 – Tuesday – oops missed class
12/10 – Wednesday – Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
12/11 – Thursday – Neighborhood w/ Cait – 10 miles (6 with Cait) – 120 minutes
12/12 – Friday – off
12/13 – Saturday – Long Run (Hills to Heaven, was RainCreek) – 16.7 – 164 minutes
Weekly mileage: 39.8 miles

Decker Half Marathon

I ran the Decker half marathon today, and about 1/3 of the way through it someone on a bike across the road yelled “Hi Mr. Watt”. Since I was totally out of it I said my obligatory “Hi” and continued on while wondering who the heck that was. A few minutes later Paul F. and a friend on their bikes caught up to me and asked me how I was doing. Still being out of it I assumed that Paul was part of the support staff typically made up of EMTs and was asking how I was because I LOOKED LIKE I WAS GOING TO COLLAPSE. I told him I was doing OK, and needed to get a gel packet shortly, which I did. He mentioned that he was here because Heather, his girlfriend, was running the race. Then he rode on. Well that still didn’t sink in right away. For the next few miles he kept riding around where I was running. I kept thinking that if he was still support staff (just who else would be there and not running) that he should probably stay in the same section of the race. Gosh, I’m slow witted when I run. Finally, yes finally, I realized that he was riding about 50 feet in front of me and I recognized Heather as a runner next to him. Then it all fit. He was riding his bike while Heather was running the race. With about 2 miles to go I caught up to them and said a simple hello and continued on. She was running with a friend as Paul was riding with her friend. At the end we finished only a few minutes apart. So I apologize to them for my being a total dunce, and it was nice to see them out there. I finished in 1:57:48 or 9:00/M.

Mile Time Total
01 08:09.26 0:08:09.26
02 09:12.97 0:17:22.23
03 08:32.25 0:25:54.48
04 08:33.45 0:34:28.45
05 08:47.00 0:43:15.45
06 09:04.50 0:52:19.95
07 09:06.14 1:01:26
08 09:13.60 1:10:39
09 09:39.51 1:20:19
10 10:00.00 1:30:19
11 09:29.22 1:39:48
12 08:42.87 1:48:31
13 08:34.62 1:57:07
HM 00:43.29 1:57:49

Running log week of 2008-11-30

11/30 – Sunday – off
12/01 – Monday – Neighborhood – 10 miles – 100 minutes
12/02 – Tuesday – Class – 5 miles – 60 minutes
12/03 – Wednesday – Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
12/04 – Thursday – off
12/05 – Friday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
12/06 – Saturday – off
Weekly mileage: 19 miles

Running log week of 2008-11-23

11/23 – Sunday – off
11/24 – Monday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
11/25 – Tuesday – Class – 5 miles – 60 minutes
11/26 – Wednesday – Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
11/27 – Thursday – off
11/28 – Friday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
11/29 – Saturday – Class long run (St. Eds) – 10.1 miles – 89 minutes
Weekly mileage: 23.1 miles