Re: Welcome to the group

Hi Cindy,

See my answers below.


What race are you training for (name, date, distance)? Tentatively Gainesville FL Marathon on Feb 17th, otherwise Austin

Race goal? (ie just to finish your first, a certain time, a certain experience, etc.) Just to finish

What do you want to learn/take away from this group? Being with a group helps me train, nothing more, nothing less. Meet new people and share a common experience. I don’t have anything I want to learn. I’ve gotten slower and slower over the years so adapting to that had been a hard lesson.

How will YOU stay motivated, driven, focused? How can I help facilitate that? I tend to be externally driven, so once I get involved I stay involved – that is, unless my feet fall off or I get seriously injured.

What potential challenges do you face? (ie travel for work/holidays, family obligations, difficulty with early Saturdays, etc) Getting started has been my issue, because of vacation and a last minute business trip. I’m an early riser, so getting to class shouldn’t be a big problem.

Running history: Personal bests/date? This’ll be my 10th marathon. I’ve trained with Team Rogue for a year – intense! Qualified for Boston twice (Austin and CIM) and ran Boston in 2011.

Races in the past year? None.

Most recent training: how many miles per week, how many days per week run? I run 6 days a week. Over the summer I kept it easy with 25 miles a week. I’ve not trained in over a year.

Do you do any type of strength training or other activities? Nope, it’s something I have to work at (not something I enjoy) and only if I’m really focused do I do any strength training

Any recent or chronic injuries? Well my left foot has been irksome sometimes, but nothing else pains me. I have had some medical problems over the past year which was part of the reason I didn’t train.

What other activities (physical sports) do you participate in & plan to continue during the marathon training program. No other sports, that’s why I’m doing this – – to get some exercise.

Re: This week’s workout

Hi Cindy,

I’ve been back since last Thursday night. BTW, I’m following the L2 level. Also I’m a weekday runner so I’m swapping the Sunday run for one on Friday. I thought I better tell you.

I did the 10 mile route this weekend.


This week’s workout


Would you have time to write a very brief agenda for this week’s workout so I can try to do something like it while I’m traveling. For example, do you start with any drills, what type of warmup do you want, what is the main body of the workout (how long, at what pace, how many strides), and is there a cooldown. I see on the “locker room” that it is “6 miles + strides”


Wednesday morning class – a new member

Hi Cynthia,

I will be joining your Austin Marathon training group on Wednesday morning. I know I’m a bit late in starting, but I was on vacation until now. I’m a average gray-haired old guy who likes to run. Also over the past few years I’ve had some issues and have gained some weight. As a result I continue to get slower and slower, but that’s the cycle-of-life. I’ve been running 3 miles per weekday and 10 miles on the weekend. So my goal is to get some exercise and to lose some weight. Although I’ve run a marathon before I consider myself just a beginner. In other words I have no pace or time requirement – just to complete is good enough. I hope this helps you get to know me a bit.

See you this Saturday at 7 AM downtown for my first long run and on each Wednesday mornings at 5:30 AM at Anderson High School track for the work out.

Brian “Bri” Watt