After the long run on Saturday I went into Rogue Training and bought another pair of Nike Structure Triax 11 running shoes – same color, same everything. A few minutes ago I calculated that the previous pair had about 385 miles on them. So it was a good time for their retirement. Anyways they were looking kinda dingy grey/tan as compared to the bight new spiffy white ones that are now on my closet floor. I felt that they also were less bouncy, and my knees were taking more punishment as a result.
Monthly Archives: November 2008
Mt Bonnell long run
We started at about 7 AM on our 16 mile Mt. Bonnell long run. The weather was cool (about 50 degrees). I thought I had over dressed, but at the end I was glad I did – It kept me warm. I headed out with a bunch of people that included Terry, Richard, Nadia, and Terry’s friend Keith. However, as we ran the trail I again went out ahead, and was by myself for most of it. I don’t think I’m following my own comments from my last long run. I enjoy running with others, and what do I do – I go off by myself. I got to the top of Mt. Bonnell and Terry and Richard were about a minute behind me. I challenged them to catch me if they can. Well they could and they caught up with me at Mopac with about 5 miles to go. However, I again kept up my intense pace and again ran on ahead of them. I need to stay with the group. When we got to I-35 Keith was right behind me. I had heard his footsteps, but didn’t know who it was. Terry and Richard were farther behind. I was toast and Keith went on ahead, and I labored the last mile on very stiff legs to complete in 2:37:42. Keith has a Garmin and said it was 17.25 miles [not 16!]. This meant I ran at a 9:08 pace which included all my stops and the HILLS. Did I mention the hills!
Barb weekday run
I learned that Barb E., my first year’s marathon running buddy, was planning on moving, and for the past year her family has been in turmoil which has been very stressful for her. I asked if we could run together so on Friday we ran 10 miles in her neighborhood. I listened and was amazed at her emotional strength with everything that has happened to her family, and her. The time flew by and we completed 10.1 miles in 1:50. When you run with someone you share part of you. Not seeing their face you look ahead, but their voice and their presence is with you. You run with their essence, their spirit, and their inner being. I treasure the moments that we’ve run together. I wish her the best in her new home, and I will miss her dearly. Run on Barb, dear friend. Your finish line is only a turn away.
Running log week of 2008-11-16
11/16 – Sunday – off
11/17 – Monday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
11/18 – Tuesday – Class (Marshes) – 5.5 miles – 60 minutes
11/19 – Wednesday –
11/20 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
11/21 – Friday – Ran w/ Barb – 10.1 miles – 110 minutes
11/22 – Saturday – Class long run (Mt. Bonnell) – 17.25 miles – 157 minutes
Weekly mileage: 40.85 miles (whew!)
LAB long run
The LAB long run is a loop course that is 3.5 miles around. We were told to do 4 loops. The first as warm up, the second and third at Marathon Goal Pace (MGP), and the last as cool down. My problem is that I don’t really have an MGP. So I lined up with Terry and Richard and many others with the 4:00 hour finish time which is 9:10/mile MGP. And we were off. The group seemed to be going out too fast for a warm up. They were doing 8:55/mile for the first two miles. Mile three was 8:33 – sheesh. However, I was keeping up and my breathing seemed under control. The fourth mile was 8:30 and I was right up with group but when we stopped for water after the first loop I left ahead of them and continued on by myself. [Note to self: Stay with the group. It’s more fun that way] Mile 5 – 8:27, Mile 6 – 8:37, Mile 7 – 8:39, Mile 8 – 8:24, Mile 9 – 8:19, Mile 10 – 8:33. After the two loops of MGP [which was rather fast but I just couldn’t seem to slow myself down] I started to slow down for the cool down loop. Mile 11 – 9:05. I was finally on MGP, but all of a sudden Terry and Richard caught up to me. Naturally I couldn’t let them go ahead [probably has to do with testosterone and my competitive streak] so I sped up and ran with them – BUT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A COOL DOWN LOOP – HA! Mile 12 – 8:56, Mile 13 – 8:44, Mile 14 – 7:46. We sprinted to the finish and my watch was 2:00:29 or 8:36/mile. Not bad if I say so myself, but this really wasn’t MGP – sigh. Afterwards my coach, Peri, said that I looked thinner which also made me feel good. Again the weight loss has helped with my running. Gotta keep it up.
Running class
Yesterday night’s running class was interesting. We had to run a mile at critical velocity, then rest for a minute, and repeat three times. I interpreted critical velocity as fast but not so fast so as to cause me to breath uncontrollably hard, that is, where I can’t catch my breath. I consider it balancing between controllable or uncontrollable breathing. Our coach said it was to be at our 15K pace or close to our 10 mile race pace. However, I didn’t run the 10 miler this past weekend, so all I could use is my 10 mile PR of 1:25 or 8:30/mile set a few years back. Yet when I ran yesterday I was doing about 8:00/mile. What was amazing is that I was able to do this reasonably. My three miles were 8:07, 7:59, and 8:03. The big question is could I keep it up. I don’t know, but I was impressed with my current performance. I have to thank my training and my weight loss.
Running log week of 2008-11-09
11/09 – Sunday – off
11/10 – Monday – Neighborhood – 6 miles – 60 minutes
11/11 – Tuesday – Class – 5.5 miles – 90 minutes
11/12 – Wednesday – Stationary Bike – 30 minutes
11/13 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 8 miles – 80 minutes
11/14 – Friday – off
11/15 – Saturday – Class long run (LAB – 4 loops x 3.5 miles) – 14 miles – 120 minuutes
Weekly mileage: 33.5 miles
Bastrop long run
I got up real early at 5 AM and drove 45-minutes to Matthew’s to run with him today. He plotted out a 7 mile route starting out at his work. The weather was great – clear, sunny, and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. I brought my old Timex GPS with me to get pace and distance. The sun had just risen as we started out so no need for lights or blinkies. We ran a course that went into the countryside and included sights of horses, cattle, goats, and barking dogs. For the most part the course was flat. We ran 7.4 miles in 75 minutes while chatting to help pass the time. [Although I was supposed to run 10 miles this week this distance was just fine] Our pace was about 10 minutes per mile. Here is the data recorder of our pace.

Select to see larger image
Running log week of 2008-11-02
11/02 – Sunday – Cape Code (Hyannis to Osterville) – 14 miles – 125 minutes
11/03 – Monday – off (traveling)
11/04 – Tuesday – Class – 3.5 miles – 40 minutes
11/05 – Wednesday – Neighborhood – 6 miles – 60 minutes
11/06 – Thursday – Neighborhood – 4 miles – 40 minutes
11/07 – Friday – off
11/08 – Saturday – Matthew’s home – 7.4 miles – 75 minutes
Weekly mileage: 34.9