Wednesday’s Warhurst part deux


Take two of Warhurst. My previous ones are below so you can compare. So since I was a bit congested I eased up a bit and didn’t push it which shows. So over time as I got warmed up I feel like I did OK if anything a bit too fast – I just don’t have a fine-grain control on my pace. As a comparison if my MGP is 10:46, then my HMGP is 10:14 and 10K is 9:40.

1 Mile 11:10 min.mile - too slow
800 m  10:31 min/mile - too slow
Delta   0:39 min/mile - about right

1 Mile 09:53 min/mile - too fast
800 m  09:08 min/mile - too fast
Delta   0:45 min/mile - a bit big

1 Mile 09:29 min/mile - too fast
800 m  08:22 min/mile - much too fast
Delta   1:07 min/mile - much too big


10 miler today


So I didn’t push it today since it was recovery, but I tried to be consistent for all the miles – one foot in front of the other [1fifoto] as I say. However, after 10 miles I was starting to feel drained which disappointed me. I was hoping that I’d be better at the end of this short distance. Maybe it was because I didn’t have any fuel or electros during it – just water at the stops. Nevertheless my legs didn’t throb afterwards which is good. So I’ll just keep on keeping on.


P.S. Another speedwalking comment happened, so I’m just going to have to live with it – maybe I should just embrace it and become a speedwalker – HAH!

Mile Pace
01 11:32
02 11:01
03 11:09
04 10:19
05 10:08
06 10:33
07 09:37
08 10:10
09 10:20
10 10:24