5/24 mile 486.0 State of the body

On the second day of this journey the glands in the back of my throat became swollen. Over the next two weeks I felt them whenever I swallowed. However they really didn’t affect my hiking. Then about a week ago my lungs started to get congested and the my glands got better. Now this has affected my hiking. I just can’t get in enough oxygen especially during climbs. All night long I cough and hack trying to clear my lungs. For example today when I stopped for lunch all I did is cough for the first few minutes.

The morning I left PieTown I swung my pack up to my shoulders and pulled a lower back muscle. I’ve tried to ignore it, but it continues. It is further aggravated when I have those deep lung-clearing coughs. It’s just there most of the time, a dull ache.

My feet and blisters have healed enough that I don’t notice them. My hands are better after I put liquid bandage on all the splits.

5/23 mile 465.3 Hills, trails and cowboy camping

I started the day on trails. They wandered through pine forests. Sometimes the trail went through stands of birch. There were several climbs this morning and I was breathing hard to get over them. My congestion isn’t helping. At 3.3 miles I stopped for much needed water, but the area was in shade and my hands were freezing. So I got the minimum amount I needed and moved on. The next water was over 10 miles away.

By lunch the trail had turned into a road walk. Sigh! And by late afternoon I got to the next water source in a canyon which I had to climb down into. I got enough for tomorrow and went a short distance to my cowboy campsite.

5/22 mile 443.9 Trail hiking

I got up at 4:30 AM and prepared to leave the Motel 6. I headed out just after 5. I needed to cut through town to get back on trail and the road walk to the trail head. I had two major climbs. I like being up high and seeing the views. At one point I could see Grants NM far below. The rest of the day I was on trail which suited me just fine. That is, I wasn’t bored. Another hiker, Slapshot, passed me and said that Kenobe was behind him, but I never saw Kenobe. I think it will be cold tonight at 9172 feet. I am trying to make Cuba NM at the end of my fifth day. Each day I do one or two extra miles to do that.

5/21 mile 422.2 In Grants NM

Although it was a road walk the canyon I traversed was classic Southwest. Tans, brick reds and mauves were striated in the worn and eroded rock formations.

I pushed to get to Grants NM and with the help of Carole, a local trail angel who drove me, I got checked into the Motel 6 which is a short walk from Walmart where I can resupply shop. While in the motel it was so nice to chat with family on the phone and catch up. After food and a shower I felt like a new man. It’s only a short break as I plan on getting back on trail tomorrow.

5/20 mile 401.9 Lava trail

The day started out rough. I had a 10 mile road walk on asphalt NM-117. Hours and hours of marching along listening to various podcasts. If someone stopped and asked if I wanted to go home, I would have said yes.

Then I finished to Cebolla Alternate and got on the CDT main trail. Instantly I forgot about that awful road walk. I was fully engrossed in hiking through the largest and rockiest lava field I’ve ever encountered. Miles and miles of brutal chunks of rock. The trail was marked by hundreds of cairns. Although it was tough I liked the challenge.

But after so many miles I was glad to transition to Bonita-Zuni Alternate, which is where I’m camping. I found a windmill and tank for water, and then walked about a mile to find a level campsite under a pine tree. I’m cowboy camping tonight.

5/19 mile 379.5 Cold night

I was cold overnight. I didn’t sleep well. This morning when I woke my sleeping bag was damp, the inside of my tent was wet and the outside was frosted. Regardless I packed it all up and headed out. I put my wet and sandy tent in the back outside pocket to keep it from soaking my other stuff. Today I wore my down vest and gloves as I started my hike. My hike started on a road, transitioned to a trail and now I’m back on yet another road. Unlike the first road which was dirt and sometimes mucky mud, the latter is NM-117, a real highway. I’ll be hiking about 10 miles on it tomorrow. I’ve been listening to podcasts to help pass time. I’m doing longer miles so that I get to Grants NM in two more days. When I stopped for the day I took out my tent and sleeping bag and dried them off. Right now I’m camped about a tenth of a mile from the highway. I hear the cars, but they shouldn’t be a problem. I’m next to a solar well. When the sun shines, clear beautiful water pours from its supply pipe into a disgusting cattle tank. So I catch it right out of the pipe. So I have water at the start and hopefully water at the end but nothing between. I’ll have to conservative.

5/18 mile 358.0 Hiking in the rain

I woke around 4 AM to the sound of a downpour hitting the roof above my head. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Maybe I wouldn’t be leaving early this morning. Yet at 4:45 I got up and packed up quietly so as to not awaken the three other hikers in the “Penthouse”. I got on my rain jacket, and pants expecting the worst. Downstairs one other hiker, Speedstick, was up. She was eating breakfast, making coffee, and writing in the registry. After she was done I wrote a short thank you in it too. I had already put in my donation the day before. I ate my cereal as she silently went about her chores.

By then the rain had subsided, a few birds were chirping, and it was light enough to hike. Silently I slipped out, opened my umbrella and was on my way.

Although I was hoping the rain was done, a few minutes later it started to pour again. A cool wind blew. I pulled up my hoody, got on my rain gloves and hiked along. The dirt road now became a mud road. My shoes were caked. I was worried I would walk right out of them. Nevertheless I continued to slog along.

The water report showed that at about mile 15 was Thomas Mtn. Ranch. It said water was at the building. As approached a lady stuck her head out of the building, said hi and come in. Muddy shoes and all I stepped into her home, met her husband, another hiker, Mudbug, and another man whose truck had gotten stuck up the road. The couple were in their 80s. I dropped my pack and sat on an old couch. We all chatted for a few minutes while I got out my lunch and started to eat. Then they left Mudbug and I in their home alone while they drove off to help the fellow whose truck was stuck. Just as they were leaving Speedstick arrived. While they were gone we three hikers chatted. When I finished my lunch I headed back out onto the wet mucky road. Six miles later I found a camping spot on the side of the road and put up my tent. Such is the life of a simple thru-hiker. Oh, and as soon as my tent was up I had some leftover cherry pie. Yum!

5/17 mile 337.0 PieTown

I was just 20 miles from PieTown NM and I set it as my goal. As I hiked the skies looked more and more threatening. It got colder. It sprinkled a little, but I made it before it started to rain. Now it is even colder and the rain is constant. But I thought this was the desert. Who knew?

I’m now at Nita’s Toaster House. I’ve done all my chores, that is, I got my resupply and special request package. I got a shower, and washed my clothes. They are no longer stiff with sweat. My poison ivy rash looks worse without the dirt patina. I had a restaurant pulled-pork BBQ dinner and pie dessert. I mean I am in PIETOWN.

Now the big question… It is supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow just like now. Several other hikers are going to take a zero. Should I do the same? What to do? What to do?

Also I have changed my route to do the Cebolla Alternative and reduce my distance to Grants NM from 130 miles to 85 miles. Several other hikers here are doing the same.

P.S. Hikers and others here at Nita’s Toaster House Hostel: Mark and David, two brothers traveling the Southwest, Footprint and Lola, Stummy and Masshole, who hiked the PCT in 2014. MIA: One-Pole who went to Reserve NM for his resupply; Moxie, where are you?

5/16 mile 316.7

Happy two week trail anniversary to me.

I’m now on the Pietown Road Walk Alternative. So far it’s a dirt road with dust, rocks, ruts, etc. almost like a trail, but for two. Oh and a 1500 climb too just to make you feel inadequate. You always need something brutal. And the CDT does a good job at that.

I also thought I’d show you my showerless poor old feet after two weeks of traipsing in the wilderness. The white adhesive tape was replaced tonight. Making it stand out against the filth. It helps keep my big toe from punching a hole in my one and only toe socks. So I have an old blister on my left inside foot, another old blister on my right foot second toe, and a new blister on my left outside foot. I’ve also gotten some sort of rash on my left ankle. I assume it’s from some poison ivy I hiked through. Oh well these are all cosmetic and so far there is nothing stopping me from hiking. Mostly they are nuisances.

5/15 mile 292.3 Lots of ascents and descents

Well remember I said how yesterday was good because I was able to do 10 miles by 10 AM. Well today was the opposite. By 10 AM I had only done 6 miles. So many climbs all through the day. The ascents are so steep that I have to stop often to catch my breath. Note: I’m hiking at 8000-9000 feet above sea level. Then the descents require me to use my poles to slow myself down. At least I’m back on trail. I’m camping with One Pole tonight. Moxie went on another 3 miles to the next water source, but we were both too tired and have sufficient water to ‘dry’ camp here.

Also I’ve included a picture of this morning’s water source. Yup, a cow pond. And cows don’t remember not to poop in their water. So I filtered about 2 liters from here. Yummy!