10M Progressive Pace Run

Today we had a 10 mile progressive pace run. This means that we run 10 miles and each one is 15 seconds faster. The last few miles were to be at 10K goal pace. I tried my best, but as we started I felt unable to catch my breath and was huffing and puffing. However at the beginning I matched my expected times. Yet at the end I had nothing left. I need to continue to build up my stamina and endurance.

Mile Expected Time Expected Pace Actual Time Actual Pace
1 0:09:17 9:17 0:09:11.95 9:11.95
2 0:18:19 9:02 0:17:51.35 8:39.40
3 0:27:06 8:47 0:26:39.58 8:48.23
4 0:35:38 8:32 0:35:07.07 8:27.49
5 0:43:55 8:17 0:43:15.26 8:08.19
6 0:51:57 8:02 0:50:47.42 7:22.16
7 0:59:44 7:47 0:58:16.01 7:38.59
8 1:07:16 7:32 (10K) 1:06:03 7:47.97
9 1:14:48 7:32 (10K) 1:14:00 7:56.68
10 1:22:04 7:16 (5K) 1:21:49 7:48.61

Long run today

We did a 13 mile long run this morning. For a group that’s for 5K (3.1M) and 10K (6.2M) races, doing 13 is a bit more. However, we were to do it easy. So it me took 2:08 to complete and I’m now sore from it. I chatted with various people I would meet up with during the run, but in all cases they would drop back and I would continue on. Afterwards I did stretching and my foot exercises that we must do. On the way home my mouth was very dry and arriving home I guzzled down a bottle of water.