Statesman Capitol 10,000

I just finished the Austin-American-Stateman Capital 10K. I had picked up my bib number on Friday night. When I picked it up I was surprised to get a low bib number (505/blue). Somehow they considered me special and I didn’t deserve it. Maybe it is because I have done this race for the past 12 years. This race got me running in Austin. But I have to thank Nancy B. and Micki G. who convinced me to do the first one even though we walked it together. But I digress. When I arrived this morning I was in the second corral (one down from the elites). The corral was almost empty whereas the next one (orange) was packed, but I saw a few running friends and hung out with them before the race. When the race started I followed Sadie and Megan, but soon realized that they were running too fast so I stopped for a drink of water and I let them go ahead. This helped me because I then don’t keep trying to catch up to them. I’m kind of competitive that way. So I hustled along by myself and took two more water breaks along the way. Just after the 6 mile marker, Chris G. was yelling for me to use my kick for the last little bit. I appreciated that and tried my best down the chute. My official time is 53:42 or 8:46/M. My splits were: Miles 0-3: 26:15; 4: 8:34; 5: 8:37; 6: 8:46. For someone who is just taking a break from running and having no track workouts I was quite statisfied with the results.

One comment

  1. Good for you !!! I remember that race well. Ironically, I’m actually wearing the T-shirt from that day, today. Goes to show you I never throw things out that are really special ! It was a wonderful time with our team back then – I’ve never been able to replace that comradery in a team within IBM. Those were special times. I’m glad to know that you are keeping up the legacy. Congratulations !!

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