I put a table of Personal Records (PRs) on the website. It was fun looking through all the old racing bibs to find the best ones for each distance. I currently have 39 of them in my bedside table. IMHO That’s an impressive group. I don’t know that’s all of them, but it’s the major ones from the last four years of racing. Right now I’m not pushing as hard as last year, so these might be the best I’ll ever achieve.
Monthly Archives: September 2006
“Eastside” long run
This is a recovery week, so we only had to do 10 miles. I started with Ed B., but soon he sped ahead and I let him go. Something inside me pushed me to catch him which I did at the 3.5 mile water stop. He was with a faster group but I kept up with them to the 7 mile water stop. Then on the trail shortly afterwards I went ahead of them, got a bit lost, they turned another way, but finally I made it back to RunTex in 1:37:35 (9:45/M) within a few minutes of the bigger group. Ed felt he ran faster than that and I agree, so maybe the distance was longer. Nevertheless Ed felt that this was the group for him. I don’t know if it’s the group for me since I’m trying not to push so hard. He wants to do a 3:45 at Chicago. I just want to finish it. You see in the heartrate chart below where I was slow to start (<140beats/min) and then sped up to (low to mid 140s) to be with the group.

“South Austin Ramble” long run
Well I had to again wake up at 4 AM (sheesh!). I got dressed, ate breakfast and drove downtown. We started at 5 AM to beat the heat. Running in the dark is fun, and there were plenty of street lights to see. It was a smaller group than normal because of the holiday weekend and people out of town. I ran with Ed B. and Kevin. Heading south we climbed gradually from about 450 feet above sea level to about 850 over the 10 miles outbound leg, then returning it was down hill and easier. What was nice to see is that my heartrate was lower (mostly under 140/min), but then again I completed the 20 miles in 3:28:30 or about 10:30/M. That’s not very fast, but then again this is LSD running – long-slow-distance. Overall I feel OK after this distance, although I iced my left ankle afterwards.