I received Trail running shoes by mail today from RoadRunnerSports.com. They are Brooks Cascadia 4. I plan on trying them out this weekend on Town Lake trail, and then at Walnut Creek Park on Monday night with Celeste. Finally on April 18 I’m doing Rocky Hill Ranch 25K near Smithville TX with Celeste. Wish me luck, I’ll need it for my first trail “race” (which I don’t plan on racing).
Category Archives: Shoes
New shoes
I bought new running shoes yesterday after my Town Lake long run. My standard Nike Triax Structure Size 8.5. The old ones had over 320 miles on them and I felt it was time. I used my discount at Rogue to buy my new pair. The discount will stop at the end of the month so now was a good time to use it. I’ll break them in next week, and then run the Austin Half Marathon on my new brighty whiteys with red accents.
New shoes
After the long run on Saturday I went into Rogue Training and bought another pair of Nike Structure Triax 11 running shoes – same color, same everything. A few minutes ago I calculated that the previous pair had about 385 miles on them. So it was a good time for their retirement. Anyways they were looking kinda dingy grey/tan as compared to the bight new spiffy white ones that are now on my closet floor. I felt that they also were less bouncy, and my knees were taking more punishment as a result.
New Shoes
I stopped by Rogue Equipment and bought a pair of Nike Structure Triax 11 running sneakers. I tried to buy a pair last week at RunTex but they were out of them, and when I phoned Rogue Equipment later that day they said they had my size – woohoo. However I’ve been so busy or forgetful that although I’ve been meaning to get the sneaks I’ve not has a chance to get downtown to their shop to get them until yesterday. The old ones were absolutely worn out. I ran the Austin Marathon in them and should have retired them probably months ago. A rough calculation of miles on them is approximately 500 miles, that for me is about 200 miles too many. Katie very nicely today switched my running chip and dog-tag to my new shoes.

New Shoes
I bought a new pair of Nike Structure Triax 10s at RunTex today. Hopefully it’ll help reduce the load on my knees a bit. I’m concerned that the last pair seemed to only last about 200 miles (in my humble opinion). [The last ones I bought at the beginning of September 2007] I might need to start considering inserts or heaven forbid seeing a doctor. By the way I did try some inserts in the new pair at RunTex, but instead of being softer and more cushioned they seemed stiffer and more controlling and didn’t help. Naturally I didn’t buy them.
New shoes
I bought a new pair of Nike Air Structure Triax tonight before class. Along with them I bought Matthew his own ChampionChip in case he runs the IBM Uptown 10K on Sunday. For class we had to run the Marshes (read this as “run hills”). Why is it that after all this training I’m feeling weaker and weaker? OK, it was hot out, but still I was huffing and puffing just doing one set. All I can do it blame it on aging. BTW, the muscle in the back of my left thigh was “whispering” to me and telling me that it was tight tonight. So there’s another thing to wonder about. Left ankle muscle, and now left back thigh muscle. Sheesh.
New shoes
I stopped by RunTex and bought a new pair of running sneakers. They are ASICS GEL-KAYANO® XII (TN600), and they cost me about $125 which included a 10% discount because I’m taking a running class. I changed brands to try something new, and because Nike dropped their Kantara line. I wanted high cushioning, and high stability. I tried Brooks, and Mizuno too, but the most comfortable were the ASICS sneakers.