Second massage and a decision

Well I had my second message today and it was just as intense as the last one. Boy can she make me squirm. She worked my left calf and foot very well. She wants me to continue my stretching and return in two weeks. As part of our discussion the therapist suggested I greatly reduce my mileage over the next two weeks. This means that I’ve got to drop my goal of qualifying for Boston at Chicago, and switch classes from the qualifying group to another less intense class such as the Wednesday evening beginners group. I’ve been coming to that opinion too, but had been putting off the decision. Well now is the time to decide. So I’ve sent a note to my current coach, Mac Allen, telling him my decision. Then I contacted Carolyn asking her if I can get into the new class. Also I’ll only run 3-4 miles a few times a week which means no long runs on Saturday morning for a few weeks. Ugh! This is very depressing, but I have to get better.

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