In class I ran eight 200 meter diagonals at 5K pace, but actually I was running all out, that is, no 5K pace. If I really did 5K pace I should have completed 200m in 1 minute. “Diagonals” means I ran 200m on the track (first number) and then cut across the track back to the start (second number). What is interesting is that my time overall improved from run to run. This was because I was at first chasing Monica and Nadia, and then I caught up to them and they seemed to ran faster so I had to also. What was good is that I had to do eight repeats (I’m in the beginner class) where they had to do ten (they are in the intermediate class).
Run, Recovery
50.41, 50.63
51.63, 46.72
51.38, 48.25
48.00, 52.18
49.57, 50.63
49.37, 52.52
47.60, 54.50
47.90, 1.01.00