This is a recovery week, so we only had to do 10 miles. I started with Ed B., but soon he sped ahead and I let him go. Something inside me pushed me to catch him which I did at the 3.5 mile water stop. He was with a faster group but I kept up with them to the 7 mile water stop. Then on the trail shortly afterwards I went ahead of them, got a bit lost, they turned another way, but finally I made it back to RunTex in 1:37:35 (9:45/M) within a few minutes of the bigger group. Ed felt he ran faster than that and I agree, so maybe the distance was longer. Nevertheless Ed felt that this was the group for him. I don’t know if it’s the group for me since I’m trying not to push so hard. He wants to do a 3:45 at Chicago. I just want to finish it. You see in the heartrate chart below where I was slow to start (<140beats/min) and then sped up to (low to mid 140s) to be with the group.