Meetup: Day 43 – Monday 8/24/2020 – 1977.1 – clear, sunny, hot, monsoon cloudy, no rain. I woke at 5 am. I packed up. I found the trail was a road walk. I went by parking/trailhead. I got water to fill two 0.7 L bottles. The trail slowly climbed up to pass. I went by two women hikers – Honey Buns and Cheech. The first climb was steep but a short one. Then there was a long down hill. I stopped for snacks and guzzled one bottle of water with lemonade. So much better than yesterday’s lack of water. Then I did more road walking. It was hot in the sun. I got to Justin about noon. Yippee! I had lots of 7-Ups. I drank three of them. Sugar, sugar, and more sugar! When I got there Apollo was there enjoying a soda. Later two other women stopped by. It’s surprising that everyone wants a soda or beer if it is after 5 pm. We had about five to eight hikers stop by the Jeep. Justin is now well known for his kindness. For dinner he made me pork tacos – carnitas tacos. Yum!
Just arrived and enjoying Justin and the other hiker’s company. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 41 – Saturday 8/22/2020 – 1943.6 – clear, sunny, hot, monsoon cloudy, monsoon sprinkles with hail, partially cloudy. I woke at 5 am. I was on trail about 5:50 am. I drank some MIO thinking it would give me energy. I only have 10 miles to meet up with Justin. I thought it would be easier, but still it was a struggle. The trail started with a climb. The descent was rocky and steep. The second climb and descent was so-so. But I was getting tired. I filtered water before the last climb to Justin. Although it wasn’t that steep the 4 mile climb wore me down. When I was a mile from him I could see his Jeep in the distance and I kept pushing until I got to him around 11:15 am. I dropped my pack and just needed to sit. I was done for the day. Why was only 10 miles so tiring? It was cool and the sun was behind clouds. Several other hikers came by. Justin made me a polish sausage wrap for lunch. Yum! Even a group of eight motorcyclists stopped to repair a flat tire. Justin lent them the air pump. When the sun did come out as they were working I decided it was time for my shower. On the other side of the Jeep, as the very cold water hit my head and ran down my semi-naked body, I couldn’t help but scream. This made the motorcyclists around front giggle and laugh. I scrubbed, yelled, rinsed, yelled and I was finally washed. I put on new clean clothes. The motorcyclists left somewhat successful with their repairs. Then I did laundry and hung it up on the Jeep to dry. The clouds came and went. More hikers and mountain bikers stopped by for a free soda. Justin is a great trail angel and engaged everyone in conversation. For a while the sun was shining. Then we got hailed on along with some thunder. For dinner we had blue tortilla chips, bean dip and RIB EYE STEAKS! Double yippee! As entertainment we would sit and watch with binoculars as hikers crested the trail a mile away. Once they got close enough we’d yelled hi, do you want a soda. It was so nice to be with him, meet other hikers, have great food, get cleaned up, be entertained and take a mini-break.
Rocky outcropping and California wild fire smoke continues to obscure the view.Tired and exhausted Tartan taking a little snooze. Afterwards it’ll be shower and laundry time. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 39 – Thursday 8/20/2020 – 1916.6 – clear, sunny, monsoon clouds, rained twice, clearing after dinner. I woke at 5:00 am. My sleeping bag is damp, and my tent is damp. I should have known. Sleeping next to a lake has that effect. I was on trail about 5:50 am. Immediately I had to climb out of bowl of mountains. I began to listen to an audio book. On the other side were more lakes, rocks and descent for miles. At the bottom was the next climb and it was broken into four sections. Some were not so steep, but others were awful. I climbed slowly. I reached the top and descended. At times you could see where the trail cut a path onto the next mountain. As time went by the monsoon clouds began to form. Around noon to 1 pm I put up my umbrella as it began to sprinkle. Over time it rained harder. My right side was get soaked with cold rain. Soon the rain stopped. A little while later it rained again. This time with some small hail. I was almost to Justin. One more hill stood in my way that was part of a ski area. Although it was only a few hundred feet to climb I was so tired from that other climbs. I descended, took a left, went down the forest road and I found to him. I immediately put my pack in his Jeep, got on my vest and rain jacket and got inside his Jeep to get warm. In a few minutes the rain stopped, the sun came out and I could relax. We chatted. I set up my tent. I did my resupply chores. He made a tasty meatball concoction for dinner. My next section is 27 miles and I’m going to take it easier if I can. My sore left ankle causes me to gimp around camp. It is just fine if I’m sitting still, but I’m worried it’ll get worse. We are near the road and can see and hear the trucks and cars ascending and descending from Monarch Pass.
Panoramic picture of the grandeur of these mountains.I’ve been enjoying the Pecan Shortbread for dessert that Kathy sent me in the recently-arrived very-delayed “Care” package. Oh and the package contained a new pair of glasses too. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Justin needed a break from the constant stream of hikers who pass by the Jeep when he’s parked on the trail. So this time he found a dispersed campsite away from the trail for some peace and quiet. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 37 – Tuesday 8/18/2020 – 1894.9 – clear, cloudy, monsoon clouds, 15 min monsoon rain, cooler, clearing. I woke at 4:45 am. I used headlamp to pack up. I was on trail about 5:40 am. My left ankle is still sore. I slowly descended down in darkness with my headlamp. In front of me as I hiked down the trail I saw animal eyes reflecting. Whoa! What was that? I started singing and luckily my awful voice scared it away. At 6:05 am turned off headlamp. I got to Cottonwood Pass and Justin about 10:30 am. He made me pancakes with butter and syrup. He’s a trail angel to other hikers. He gives them sodas, beer, and maybe food. Quickly I resupplied my water and food. It was just a Stop & Go. I kissed and hugged him and was back on trail at 11:15 am. Three climbs later I found a campsite. I’m worried about my ankle. I had lots of rocks to hike/stumble through today. The monsoon clouds were threatening but it was only just sprinkles. I set up tent and relaxed inside it. At 5:30 pm we had a downpour. Now it’s clearing. It’s also much cooler now. I hope all is dry by tomorrow. I made and ate dinner and then it was bed time. Tomorrow is four climbs. The last to a lake for the night.
Justin photographed through his binoculars Tartan hiking in the distance. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 35 – Sunday 8/16/2020 – 1852.6 – clear, sunny, some clouds, pleasant. I woke at the campground at 4:45 am. I used my headlamp to pack up. I put my regular backpack next to the ladder. I took my day pack and poles. On the way to the trail I stopped at the toilets. I was on trail about 5:35 am. I only had to use my headlamp for 15-20 minutes until it was light enough to see. I did wear gloves and vest to keep the chill off. I left campground and circumnavigated Twin Lakes. At the start of the Hope Pass climb I sent a message to Justin telling him I’ve started [“At 1846.6 and beginning ascent” Aug 16, 2020 10:49 AM]. Steadily I climbed without stopping for all 4100’. It took until 12:15 pm or about 37.5 minutes per mile. At the Pass Justin was not there so I sat and ate my lunch. Milkshake, another hiker, was there as was a couple. After lunch I began to descend because I was cold from sitting still. A few minutes later I met Justin on the way up. He was nearly at the summit. So I waited for him to summit and return. Then we began the arduous descent in earnest. Down and down and down on a steep and rocky trail we went. About an hour and a half of repeated braking with my poles and pressure on my poor sore ankle. When we were almost at the bottom Justin offered to Milkshake and another hiker who were hiking behind us to come to the Jeep and get sodas. They did even though they hike down and up 0.2 mile. We chatted and then they left to continue their hiking. I did my resupply, set up my tent and am trying to relax after quite a long and strenuous day.
My slack-packed around the Twin Lakes and then it was a long arduous climb up Hope Pass – part of the famous Leadville 100 Ultramarathon.At Hope Pass with Buddhist/Tibetan Prayer Flags on the trail marker. Hiker next to me is getting lunch.I ate my lunch but I got cold on Hope Pass so I am heading down while looking ahead for Justin. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Only a few minute later I met Justin. While I waited for him he summited. We’re now descending together. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)This side of Hope Pass is quite steep and treacherous. We descended for miles. And Justin had just ascended it. Afterwards we found out that the descent was about 1000′ per mile which is twice normal. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 34 – Saturday 8/15/2020 – 1836.8 – clear, sunny, hot, Smokey. I got up in darkness at 4:45 am. After potty I came back to my campsite and used my headlamp on red mode to pack up. I was on trail at 5:40 am with my headlamp in low-intensity white mode. The first climb was 1000’ and then down on the other side. Then a second climb but not as bad as the first. However it was getting hot. So I listened to podcasts to pass the time. Finally I got to Justin’s camp site which is about 0.2 mile off trail at about 1:45 pm. So nice to see him. Over the next few hours we changed plans for me to slack pack tomorrow. He would park on the far side of Hope Pass. Then he’d climb it and meet me at the summit. We’ve heard that there are now three Colorado forest fires burning 100 miles or more north of us and the air quality is smokey. Another great tasty dinner by Chef Justin. My tent is on a slight slope, but I’ll see how I’ll do.
At Twin Lakes campsite for the night. My tent is behind and below me on my right. Sadly all the mountains behind me are obscured by smoke from the distant California forest fires. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Nice selfie of both of us relaxing at our campsite. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 32 – Thursday 8/13/2020 – 1804.7 – clear, sunny, hot. I woke at 4:45 am and was on trail around 5:45 am. I climbed to Elk Ridge which was in 3.2 miles, and then I descended until 9.8 miles where I began the climb to Tennessee Pass. Although I thought it would be an easier day I found it harder than I expected. My left ankle is hurting. I just had to ignore it. At the Pass I hurriedly got a shower. Casey and her family arrived. They went to their hut and we stayed in the parking lot to give them time to settle in. Then, because it was so hot, I also washed my dirty dirty clothes and hung them on the Jeep to dry. Next I did resupply. Finally Justin packed cooking stuff and we both went to their hut for dinner and conversation. I set up my tent about 100 feet from the hut. We ate, and chatted keeping our distance. It was fun. At 8 pm I came back to my tent to do final chores and turn in for sleep. It was a very nice day. Lots of people, a social connection, along with good food.
Panoramic picture heading toward Tennessee Pass early in the morning.
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 31 – Wednesday 8/12/2020 – main trail 1787.9 – clear, cloudy, cold rain, cloudy, sunny. I woke at 4:45 am and was on trail at 5:50 am. It was a long climb to the pass. Then it was a long descent to Copper Mountain and Justin. I gave him a big Hug! We planned this to be a Stop and Go. I resupplied for one more day, filled water and had two Cokes. Justin hiked out with me around 11 am. Just as we were starting a monsoon rain cloud dumped 15 minutes of heavy rain. We waited under the eaves of the Police Station. When it had passed we began the climb out of here. Justin had already descended this trail yesterday having taken the ski lift to the top. He helped show me the way. At 1 pm or after about 3 miles we stopped for lunch. Afterward I continued on and he returned to the Jeep. I got to my campsite about 3:30 pm. It’s a little exposed but it’s in some trees and I hope it’s ok for tonight. Every so often the wind blows and rattles the tent. Tomorrow I’m shooting to get to Tennessee Pass which is 16 miles away. It looks doable.
Heading down on a long descent into Copper Mountain and a meetup with Justin.After meeting-up with Justin and a quick resupply we hiked together near Copper Mountain ski area. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Time to split up. Justin to return to the Jeep. Me to continue onward. But first I have to figure out using my Guthooks phone app if I’m on the trail and where it goes. But all I needed to do was look at the tree behind me to know that. Oh well! (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)One: Off I go… (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Two: Off I go… (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Three: Off I go… (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 29 – Monday 8/10/2020 – Silverthorne Alternative 24.1 (NOBO) – clear, sunny, hot. I woke at 4:45 am and was on trail at 5:38 am. I climbed up a canyon and then climbed further. The alternative trail tends to disappear. By using Guthooks app, your eyes and luck most of the times you can find the trail again. But it is tiring and hard. This happened over and over today. In addition there were at least two big climbs and two big descents. All of them wore me out. I got to Justin around 4:15 pm. Over ten hiking hours is much much too long. I was a marching zombie. At the end seeing Justin was wonderful. It took me having some soda, dinner and rest for me to get back to normal. My feet were throbbing. I took an Advil tonight to help them. In my opinion by not having the alternate’s elevation in the app is awful. I can’t plan how to expend my energy. Justin made a delightful Indian dish for dinner. He also glued the tips of my hiking shoes to hold them together. I’m ready to slack-pack through Silverthorne tomorrow.
Down a U.S. Forest Service road thanks to our trusty Jeep we got to our dispersed campsite. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)We are getting ready for bed. My tent is set up and Justin’s roof-top tent is popped-up. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Zero: Day 27 – Saturday 8/8/2020 – ZERO DAY – 1692.5 – clear, partially cloudy, sunny, hot. I woke late, but I didn’t have to hike today so it was OK. My tent site was in some trees about 0.1 miles above the pass. I packed up and was at the Jeep in the Berthoud Pass parking lot at 6:30 am. Justin was already awake. We had breakfast and drove to Second Creek. There we waited for Casey, Kyle, and Tam to arrive. They got there around 9:30 am for a 1 mile hike with an elevation gain of 800’. Little Tam, 5, was a trooper and climbed it with only one scraped knee. At the top even through there was a closed hut, there was a picnic table here so we sat and talked and ate snacks. The wind was gusty and we had to hold things down. After a while we hiked down and said our goodbyes. We might see them again at Tennessee Pass. They’ve rented a hut. After our hike Justin suggested we drive down into Winter Park CO. In town we had BBQ lunch. Then as a treat we stopped at Safeway grocery store and I bought and devoured a pint of Caramel Core ice cream. Having exposed me to enough COVID-19 we left town after getting gas and me downloading some audio books and podcasts. Back at the pass parking lot we sat, talked and watch the other people at the Pass. It looked like some of them were having a wedding there today. The backdrop of the Rocky Mountains is spectacular. Justin cooked breakfast tacos for dinner. Yum! My ZERO DAY was fun. Now I’ve got to go back to the trail tomorrow where I’ll be taking the Silverthorne alternative instead of the more difficult Grays-Torrey Peaks.
On our day off we met and did a short 1 mile hike with Justin’s high school friend Casey, her husband Kyle, son Tam and me. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)