64 2826.8 8/17/2021 overcast, rain, cold. Justin and I woke up between 4:30-5:00. We headed out together but missed where I had to split off. So we said our goodbyes and I turned around to go back. It was 0.3 miles back. Most of the morning I easily made progress. I listened to my audio book to help the time pass. It started to sprinkle so I put on my pack cover, raised my umbrella, got on my rain jacket. I caught up to the “Old Gray Mares” and chatted. I wished them well and went on. The rain started in earnest. As I hiked the plants got my pants and shoes soaking wet. I pushed on to a campsite. In the rain I rushed to get my tent up. I was soaked, chilled and muddy. I took off my shoes, socks, wound bandage and pants. Then I got on every dry piece of clothing I had in my backpack. I made my Ramen, and ate my extra apple and cheese. Then I made my dinner – Shepard’s Cottage Pie because it had the most calories. It’s supposed to get down to 39 degrees. I hope I’ll be warm enough. Tomorrow will be tough getting on all the cold wet stuff. Also it’s supposed to continue raining until 10-11 am. I might just stay in my tent till it passes. But I doubt it. Ha!