This is a first. My son offered to keep me safe and isolated during to the COVID-19 Pandemic while I hike so he’s going to support me. I will stay on the trail (not go into towns to keep them and me safe) whereas he’ll precede me to the next meeting point. He’ll carry all the resupplies along with a roof top tent and SHOWER – yup a 4.5 gallon pressurized water with a nozzle shower. He drove from California to Austin to pick me up. Also he got a COVID-19 test before he left, which was negative. Together we’ll drive to South Pass City WY where I’ll start hiking and he’ll drive to our next meet-up (see Plan). Hike, meet, repeat…
3 thoughts on “Supported hiking”
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Awesome plan! You are one lucky guy to have a son who can support you like this. I presume you’ll be using your InReach so we can stalk you? Stay safe and enjoy!
I know it – that I’m lucky to have a sweet son who wants to go on this adventure with me.
And I’m using the InReach to mark my spot each night. Please stalk all you want by looking under the menu Where Am I.