From September 17-22: I went out and bought cardboard to construct a big (human rideable) amazing rubber band car. There is a nearby company named Eco Box that sells cardboard in double thickness 4’x8′ sheets. I bought 10 sheets, then we strapped them my car roof with Kathy’s help, and drove them home. The next night I created a plywood template of the chair.

Meanwhile Mike sent me and I received twelve gigantic rubber bands and four 1″ roller bearings. A few days later I laid out the car pieces and I used the template to layout the chair.

I had underestimated the amount of cardboard. So I went back and got twelve single thickness 36″x48″. This gives me about 84 chair pieces (30 double thickness and 24 single thickness). Also it just so happens that the single thickness flutes go the other direction from all my double thickness ones. So I plan on interleaving them for strength. Next I cut the cardboard using a reciprocating saber saw and a knife blade. The jigsaw with the knife blade has been my tool of choice. I can power cut 5 double or 6 single sheets at one time. Also I’m using 16d nails to hold the 5 or 6 sheets together and keep them somewhat aligned. I have also used a hole saw for the bearing filler rings (aka washers) and the holes in the wheels. I cut 5 double thickness sheets at a time to create all of the frame/floor pieces (12″ x 5′) and chair pieces using the chair template.

So the next step is to start gluing them together. Before I do I did a test with (1) Elmer’s white glue, (2) hot melt glue, and (3) contact cement. After letting them set up for about 90 minutes I asked Kathy to try to tear them apart. She was easily able to separate the contact cement – that was the worst in her opinion. The next two were tougher, because they were about the same, but she felt that the size of the connecting surface area was larger for Elmer’s white glue – so Elmer’s it is. Next I went out and a bought a gallon of Elmer’s glue in preparation for these efforts. Oh, I also got three oak 1″x36″ dowel rods for axles.

When done I had a pile of scrap cardboard.