Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

February 8, 2009

Family Values and Principles

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:29 pm

The Watt Family Values and Principles
What we’re trying to teach our children
through our actions and our words

  • Be concerned for other people and their feelings. Put yourself in other people’s shoes. Be kind, sensitive and caring. Look at things from the other person’s point of view. Treat all people equally and fairly. Help others.
  • Family is very important. Confide in your brother and sister. Your parents will always love you.
  • Don’t lie, cheat or steal. Tell the truth. Be honest.
  • If you make a commitment, you must keep it. Commitments must be completed. Promises must be kept. Don’t promise unless you can follow through. Be responsible. Complete your assignments. Be trustworthy. Don’t give up.
  • You are responsible for your own actions. You make choices. The choices you make are your own decision. Don’t blame others for your decisions.
  • Be constructive, not destructive. Take care of your things. Be creative. Be a contributor.
  • Work hard. Extra effort. Don’t stop until it’s right. Do the best you can do. Quality work. Don’t be sloppy.
  • Fairness. Fair play. Follow the rules. Don’t be prejudiced. Minimize your biases. Share.
  • Have a good sense of right and wrong. Have a conscience. Be law abiding.
  • Put things back where they were when you’re done with them. Clean-up after yourself. Cleanliness.
  • Be assertive, self-confident and independent.
  • Be aware of the world around you and things that happen including political and social changes. Keep the environment clean. Don’t pollute.
  • Love books. Be a person of words. Enjoy reading and writing.
  • Put things back from where you got them or what position they were in. For example, toys, games, other people’s possessions, and most importantly toilet seat lids (after use naturally).posted to the refrigerator door on 10/20/94 bdw
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