Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

November 26, 2005


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:09 am

We had a small “just-our-family” Thanksgiving. Katie is now home from college for the holiday. Matthew came in for the day. Justin was enjoying Thanksgiving with friends in California. Matthew and I ran the local 5 mile Turkey Trot together around the University of Texas campus. Afterwards we drove around Austin getting weird pictures for a course project.

While we were out Kathy started turkey and the fixin’s. For us the fixin’s included sausage stuffing, cranberry mold, sweet potatoes, mash potatoes, and corn. We had a late afternoon dinner and then went together to see the movie “Rent” which we enjoyed. Afterwards we had our dessert of homemade apple pie (by yours truely). A nice day.

November 14, 2005


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:28 am

Another weekend here and gone, another time to fill in… On Saturday I did my long run, went to work and got notification going, saw two movies – Zathura and Pride and Prejudice, cleaned the master bathroom, vacuumed the upstairs, went food shopping, made Sunday night dinner of Swiss Steak, and finally made Oatmeal Raisin cookies (but forgot the flour – oops; yet they’re still tasty).

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