Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

December 31, 2005

Over and done

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:33 am

The noise has risen and fallen. Cookies have been baked and eaten. The presents have been wrapped and ripped. The stress has risen and lessened. Food, food and more food has been eaten and digested. The family has come and gone. Christmas is now over and done. I am both happy and sad all at once.

Justin had one heck of a time getting here and returning home. See We recommend that you take off your shoes and later.

December 16, 2005

Buying presents

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:28 pm

Although I’ve been married many years I typically have let my spouse buy most if not all of the holiday presents. However this year I’ve been taking a more active role. I helped Kathy with Katie’s, did Matthew’s with his help and did Justin’s all by myself. It’s not just the main presents, but I’ve been buying stocking stuffers too. Maybe I’m doing it to get into the holiday spirit. Or maybe it’s just something to do while I’m on vacation to keep busy. But in any case I’ve been enjoying myself. Hopefully my efforts will be worth it. Only time will tell. I hope so.

December 12, 2005

Christmas decorations

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:23 am

Well my sweetheart has been putting on holiday parties. So I’ve was assigned jobs and one is putting up the house lighting.

December 4, 2005

The modern world

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:10 am

So I’m sitting in my bedroom in Austin, TX, and my oldest son, Justin, phones me on his cell phone. He’s driving in San Francisco, CA half a continent away and asks me if I’m near the computer. I say hold on, put the phone down, walk over to the game room, sit down at the computer, and pick up another phone. Justin asks if I can look up the address on the internet of a restaurant he’s looking for. I “google” his request, find it immediately and tell him the address and phone number. Sheesh, welcome to the modern world of instant communications with quick access to massive amounts of information – unbelievable!

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