Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

January 29, 2006

Change of pace – Dad does his hair

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:04 pm

Every so often we all need a change so I thought I’d do something with my hair. This was quite a new experience for me – typically I’m an ol’ stick in the mud kinda guy. With the help from my sweetie we went to the local drug store this afternoon and chose L’Oreal Feria #41 Crushed Garnet. From mousey gray I have become a totally new person – yeah right. Well that’ll get some attention – probably bad attention, but attention nevertheless. Here is the before:

and here is after:
Now how about that change! What do you think – definitely better right?

January 28, 2006

Work and Running

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:12 am

My life is work and running. The running will culminate on February 19th at the Austin Freescale Marathon. After that I’m wondering what I’ll do. Oh sure I’ll continue working, but what else… I’m finding it hard to keep busy. Some how I’ve got to find more to do.

January 12, 2006

My shiny new iPod

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:22 am

I got an iPod Nano for Christmas and I’m having a ball listening to it. I don’t listen to music. I’m a talk kinda person so podcasts have caught my fancy. Right now I’m enjoying Phedippidians about running and NerdTV about technology. I’ve even bought two audiobooks – both of Car Talk from NPR. I use the iPod everyday – in the car, at work, and at running practice. However, I tried to use it during the running race this weekend, but I found the talk to be a distraction, but generally I’m really really enjoying it.

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