Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

October 29, 2006

Back from Chicago

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:02 pm

It was a nice break. I completed the marathon in 4:35, nothing to scream about, but I finished and got my medal. In any case it was a mini-vacation that felt good. I’m looking forward to the holidays and having the family together.

October 20, 2006

Off to Chicago

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:37 am

See ya when I get back from Chicago. Going there to run the marathon on Sunday. Wish me luck. I can always use it.

October 11, 2006

Orchard Park, NY

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:45 am

I visited my father this weekend in Orchard Park, NY which is a small town south of Buffalo, NY. My dad is nearly 90 years old. Both my brother and I visited. The weather was wonderful, sunny and cool. The fall colors don’t happen here in Texas like they do in the northeast. I took this picture so that my sweetheart would see how nice it was out and be jealous since she didn’t go with me.

During the weekend I interviewed my Dad about his childhood history. This was instigated by a series of questions written by Kathy for a cross-stitch piece she is doing.
I recorded his responses on a digital recorder. Although he found it tiring and at times struggled to remember things from so many years ago he did fine and I was happy he did it. I will transcribe what he said for us and his grandchildren.

Update: Interview with Colin S. Watt Jr on October 9, 2006 (38MB)

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