Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

April 30, 2007

Blu-ray Discs

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:58 am

I’ve been renting Blu-ray Discs and watching them sometimes before work, at lunch, and after work. So far I’ve rented three of them and watched two of them on the 24″ LCD panel in my office. I just rented the last one this weekend and I look forward to seeing some of it tomorrow. It takes me a couple of days to see the whole thing depending upon how busy I am at work. I turn off the office lights, plug in my headphones, and watch it. The 1920×1080 high-definition imagery has been spectacular. There was one movie which had some additional scenes in standard-definition and they were obviously not as good. I could get hooked on this quality. I consider this a technology investigation into what the PS3 provides – or at least that is what I’m saying and it’s true.
Update: Finished the third BD tonight after work. I borrowed “Resistance: Fall of Man” game from one of the people in my department at work. Need to keep investigating…

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