Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

June 19, 2004

Waking up

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:25 pm

I wake up early each morning. It’s not something I can stop. My body just says it’s time, and ta-da I’m up. It starts with me waking, but then I start thinking about things while I lay there. Mostly about work and family and what’s going to happen that day. Sometimes while lying there I’ll doze off again, but that’s only on weekends. On weekdays I set the alarm to radio and reset it after they announce the current temperature. But I typically wake before the alarm goes off, and I wait for it to turn on. I don’t use the beeper, but use the radio. It is less jarring. I always listen to the same station. Recently the radio station changed its format. They used to do the traffic and weather together on the hour. Now they do the traffic, then a bunch off commercials, then the forecast, then the temperature. I wish they wouldn’t have changed. I’ve been too antsy to listen to all this other stuff when all I want to know is the temperature outside. So I typically turn it off during the commercials. Right now I really don’t need to know the temperature because each day is the same. It starts out at 75 and goes to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. So after I reset the alarm I roll out, drag myself across the bedroom, shuffle down the hall, and go to the computer. The LCD display lights up the whole room like a major fluorescent panel causing me to squint. It’s fun finding the cursor while covering your eyes with one hand and peering though the slits in your fingers. I always do e-mail and then I look at the news. Somehow this wakes me up more, and I’m ready to begin the day…


  1. happy father’s day!

    Comment by Justin — June 20, 2004 @ 3:37 pm

  2. What better way to recieve a father’s day greeting, but to get it on my blog. Luv ya!

    Comment by Bri — June 21, 2004 @ 1:15 am

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