Meetup: Zero: Day 54 – Friday 9/4/2020 – 2132.3 ZERO IN PAGOSA SPRINGS – clear sunny very hot in town. At the hotel I slept in until after 7 am. Wow! We went to McD’s for take-out breakfast. Then we relaxed in the hotel room. We went over the plan for the next few days. This included the weather forecast that expected rain and snow on next Tuesday from Pagosa Springs CO to Chama NM. Ugh! So I added long underwear to my kit and removed down vest. I counted how much remaining food I had for the last days and wrote short shopping list for Justin. I did a little email and blog posting. I trimmed my beard. I packed a day pack for my slack pack tomorrow. We are planning on getting BBQ tonight. It is still very hot (it is in the eighties Fahrenheit) and dry here. I am constantly drinking liquids. Independently Justin did more laundry for his Autohome, such as, washing his sheets and pillow case. Altogether it was a relaxing, slow, non-hiking day – the definition of a ZERO DAY.
I had a much needed shower and trimmed my beard in the Pagosa Springs Quality Inn. I’m a new man! (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 53 – Thursday 9/3/2020 – 2132.3 – clear, sunny, hot. Justin and I woke at my normal 5 am, packed up in our limited campsite among the pines, and were on trail with headlamps at 5:50 am. I kept my puffy and gloves on. We immediately began to climb. By the end of the climb I had to take my puffy off. I was too hot. The rest of the day the climbs and trail were more forgiving. The weather was pleasant or maybe a bit warm. We stopped to talk to an archer hunter with a compound bow looking for elk. During one descent as I focused on the trail immediately in front of me I ran into a log hanging partially over the trail. OMG! When I collided I saw stars. My hat brim shielded me from seeing it. Justin looked and saw I had a dime sized scrap on my head. Justin applied Neosporin to it. Although shaken by the very sudden impact luckily I wasn’t hurt. Further down the trail we met and talked to several day hikers. Even though the weather and trail was good I was tired. For the final descent to Wolfe Creek Pass Trailhead I again let Justin lead. What was especially exciting to both of us was we were going to town for a zero day. In town we bought two pizzas then went to the hotel. As Justin unpacked his stuff I went in and took a hot shower. It was marvelous. Then Justin did our laundry, a stinky mass of hiking clothes, in the hotel machines. Just having this little oasis from the trail and his help with chores was such a relief. I made telephone calls to Katie and Kathy and Justin called Stephanie. All is well with the world – or at least the small corner that we’re in.
We had one more day’s hike to Wolfe Pass and we’d take a ZERO DAY in Pagosa Springs! (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Smiles in the early morning sunshine. We’re hiking together and we have things to look forward to doing. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)So let’s get going. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Leaving Weminuche Wilderness. The long 80+ mile Stony Pass to Wolfe Pass section is almost done. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Back at Wolfe Pass relaxing with a Squirt soda. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 52 – Wednesday 9/2/2020 – 2117.0 – clear, sunny, cool, no rain whatsoever. I am jointly camping with Justin. We woke at 5 am together. We were on trail at 5:50 am. We started with a series of medium (500’) climbs. They went by OK. We stopped every two hours for a snack. We met and chatted with a hunter on horseback. After the medium climbs we had a big one 1800’. We stopped at noon about 25% up the climb for lunch. Then it was back at it. We went up and up and up. I was getting tired. It ended in a double summit. On the second one there had been a small landslide and when we got there Justin said it looked like it had been repaired. Then around the corner, out of the wind, we stopped on the side of the mountain for my final snack. I was sitting on a downward sloped rock on a very downward sloped trail looking straight down a 45 degree slope. Suddenly I felt I was going to fall. Was it vertigo? Wow, that never happens to me. I finished my snack. Carefully I got up and continued hiking on the side of the mountain, but I was having a hard time shaking that “if I fell off trail I’d be a goner” feeling. That was very spooky. After all the thousands of miles to have that happen. But I gotta say that spot was particularly unnerving. After that episode, the rocky trail, the steep descent, and how tired I was I let Justin lead and I slowly descended. It was still a few miles to our campsite. When I got there I was beat. We got our tents up. We went and got water. This whole 80 miles section in the San Juan mountains and pushing to do 16.5 miles per day was too much. I think we should have slowed down and taken another day. So while we were hiking Justin made the executive decision to go to Pagosa Spring, get a hotel room and take a zero day on Friday. There we can get a shower, do laundry, and maybe eat pizza, or BBQ I think I need this break as a pick me up since the trail had been so hard recently.
The next day we continued southbound towards Wolfe Pass. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Sometime the trail was rocky and difficult to traverse. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)At one point we stopped on the side of a rocky mountain. While sitting facing out I had a snack and suddenly felt I might fall. It unnerved me. Meanwhile Justin got a cell signal and was making a motel reservation in Pagosa Springs. The next day we’d take a ZERO! (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Justin returned to the campsite he used on his northbound hike to meet me. Now it was both of us in the trees that helped to block the wind. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)If you thought yesterday’s campsite was cramped well today’s was even tighter. Regardless we survived and didn’t even trip on each other’s guy lines. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 51 – Tuesday 9/1/2020 – 2100.6 – some clouds, sunny, cool, no monsoon rain! I woke in my weird campsite in the pine trees. It had rained overnight. The water had leaked into the tent tub. The foot end of my sleeping bag was now wet. Regardless I packed it away in its stuff sack. Rolling up the wet tent chilled my fingers so I couldn’t feel them. I did not have my normal morning poo, because it was rocky, I was late and never dug a cat hole the night before. It will have to be delayed. I ate my breakfast pop tart in my tent. That was a first too. Once on trail I descended to a saddle and immediately started the next climb. It’s the story of my trail life in the mountains. Ya can’t complain. Ya just gotta climb, climb, and climb. I stopped to make sure I’m on the trail. I was. I stopped to poo in a pine grove worried that someone might come by. I did about 5-7 climbs. In the afternoon I stopped at a lake to fill all my water. because I had to dry campsite tonight. Finally I got to the end around 3:30 pm. There was no Justin there. Oh no! But who should look over the hilltop above me at that moment? Yup! It was Justin. He just got there. Perfect timing! I hiked up to him, hugged and then we hiked 0.8 miles southbound to a campsite he had just passed. I setup all my stuff. It was flat, and dry. I had a camp buddy. Justin! That is excellent. Two more days and we’ll be back at Wolfe Creek Trailhead. Justin said we have only 70 miles left in Colorado. I so look forward to being out of these big mountains and their ascents and descents. They are beautiful, but so hard to climb.
Rain cloud threatening but I’ve got to keep going to meet Justin.We met within a few minutes of us getting to our meet-up point. Justin and I had adventure stories to tell from him getting snowed on and me camping in the trees. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Together as the top of the hill with the southbound trail behind us. We followed it to a less exposed campsite. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)We camped at the top of the hill where we met up. it was tight but the trees protected us. There was a steep rocky drop off behind my tent. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Day 50 – Monday 8/31/2020 – 2084.2 – frost on tent and ground, some clouds, cool, monsoon sprinkles, no rain. I woke at 5 am. I was slow to get going. Frost all over my tent. It wouldn’t fit in stuff sack. It was very heavy with the frost both on the inside and the outside. I just stuck it as-is in my backpack’s mesh net. When I stopped for my 10 am snack I opened it up, shook off the frost, and tried to dry it a little. That helped make it weigh less. After that I did three climbs. At one point I got off trail for 0.2 miles. Also Guthooks trail path looks to have an error, but figured it out and continued on. The last climb was the biggest at 2000’. I had to push and push to keep going up and up. In the end I got to the top of the last climb and assumed the descent was immediate. But no! On and on I went at altitude for over a mile. Finally I began to descend. It was quite late for me. I think I finished at 4:45-5:00 pm. Twelve hours – yikes. I found a tiny space behind and within a couple of pine tree and clumsily set up my tent. These trees are blocking the wind. I’m at over 12,000 feet in altitude. It’ll be cold again tonight. I’m wearing my puffy and all my other cold weather stuff. Tomorrow I see Justin on trail! Yippee!
Selfie of Justin at Wolfe Pass preparing to hike northbound to meet me with my next resupply of food. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Panoramic picture as I hike southbound toward Justin from Stony Pass to meet him.The sun comes out, the coat comes off and the hat gets switched. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Day 49 – Sunday 8/30/2020 – 2066.8 – clearing, sunny, monsoon rain, sunny, cool. I woke at Stoney Creek Pass about 5 am. I packed up and hoisted my heavy back pack. Off I went. I’ll see Justin in three days. Today I have four climbs. Just before the third and biggest one I took a bad turn and went off trail about 0.5 miles down. So back I climbed. I don’t need to have any extra climbs especially today. As I’m climbing the monsoon rain begins to sprinkle. I put up my umbrella. Near the top I stop for lunch and met another hiker. As we’re talking the thunder booms. We stop our chat and he moves off. Then it really begins to rain about noon. It’s a cold rain and I stop to put on my ear muffs, buff, rain jacket, gloves and rain gloves. And I take off hiking to head to a lower elevation. I pass another hiker but I keep going. And then at 1:30 pm now lower the sun comes out. So I stop again and take off my extra protection and continue. The trail is thick with stiff bushes which are all wet with rain. As I brush them I get wetter and wetter. But as time goes by the hot sun dries me off. I stop for my final water and afterwards I start searching for a dry and flat campsite site. I find a plot, and put up my tent. I’m in a valley and more rain clouds are threatening. As I’m laying in my tent it gets sprinkled, but luckily nothing more. I’m tired and it’s 4:30 pm. It’s been a long day…
Meetup: Day 48 – Saturday 8/29/2020 – 2050.1 – cloudy, cold rain at 7-9 am, clearing, sunny, more rain twice, cold. I woke at 5 am and packed up. It’s another slack pack day. I put my regular backpack in Jeep. My tent is wet inside. I need to remember to keep one door open to reduce inside condensation. I headed out at 5:50 am. I have 6 climbs, but with light day pack they are easier. I met two northbound CT hikers. The scenery is spectacular. Justin met me on the trail about 1 mile before the Jeep. We got to Jeep at 1:30 pm. Justin is Mr. Social and entertains the hikers as they passed by us with free sodas. Our dinner was sausage, rice and lentils. It is quite tasty and warm. When I’m not hiking I get chilled so I went and sat in the Jeep. Here we are above 12,000 feet altitude. Tomorrow we have the longest section. It is 80 miles. To break it up Justin is going to drive the Jeep tomorrow to the end of the section and then hike back to meet me in the middle. I’m going to hike southbound 3 days by myself and Justin is going to hike northbound 2 days until we meet up.
Tried to find a spot to set up my tent near the Jeep for protection from the wind. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)While we were there a film crew arrived to document Legend’s attempt of a Fastest Known Time (FKT) for an Unsupported Hike of the Colorado Trail. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Sunset made the pass glow.While I decided to stay in my tent Justin briefly met Legend as he came through the pass. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 47 – Friday 8/28/2020 – 2034.4 – woke to no morning rain, clouds in night sky, sprinkles started at 9 am, cold rain continued until 11:30, started at 1:30, then stopped, so far hasn’t returned. I woke at 5 am. I packed up backpack, and tent. My tent was wet inside. I put both of them in the Jeep. I am slack packing today. I left camp at 5:50 am. After 2 miles saw Apollo getting water. She camped about 1/2 mile back when yesterday night’s hail and rain struck. After saying hi I continued on. I was a man on a mission trying to get done before the next rain started. At mile eight I passed a tent, but quietly went by trying not to disturb whoever it was. Then the rain started and I got on my rain jacket and rain gloves but no pants. I put up my umbrella. Doing those thing helped. My hands were cold and my pant legs were wet. I was doing my climbs easily, because of the lighter pack. There were times when the rain stopped and thankfully my pant legs began to dry out. However my shoes and socks never did. I got to the highest point for today around 12:30 pm and down to Justin about 1:30 pm. I felt good, but I was glad today’s hiking was done. Immediately behind me was Apollo who wanted to do 6 more miles to a lake. Good for you I thought, but for myself I’m done. Justin made me hot chocolate to warm me up. Also I made a dehydrated Chicken and Rice dinner for some calories. Although I wasn’t shaking the food was helpful. All afternoon we stayed at the Carson Saddle Trailhead. The only problem is it will probably rain again tonight and I’m worried about the wind coming over the saddle. Justin moved the Jeep to block some of the wind. Goodnight, tomorrow’s another slack pack to Stony Pass Trailhead. And then our longest section of 80 miles.
Beautiful double rainbow as Justin waits for me at Carson Saddle Trailhead. By the time I got there the rainbow was gone and rain was threatening. I worried about the wind coming across the saddle so he parked the Jeep so as to try to block it. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 46 – Thursday 8/27/2020 – 2017.6 – clear, sunny, gusting wind, cool, hot, monsoon rain with hail, clearing. I woke up at 5 am at Middle Mineral. Several tents had appeared overnight. I quietly packed up and was on trail at 5:50 am. I had only 10 miles, but started with a 3.5 mile climb. I dunno why, but it was harder than I thought. Then the descent included a long rocky path. Then crossing a mesa was just up and down. Around 9:50 am I saw a hiker coming towards me. IT WAS JUSTIN! It was so nice to see him. We still had about 3.5 miles to go. I stopped for a snack and a 7-Up to get more energy. Onward over this mesa we went. Then we began a 2 mile descent. It was steep and rocky and just never seemed to end. Finally we got to the parking lot around 11:30. The hiker Rewind stopped by to chat. I dried my tent on the ground held down by rocks. I was worried about getting caught in the upcoming rain. The clouds looked threatening. We went 0.1 mile up trail to find me a camping spot and Justin a parking spot. It was early afternoon. We talked to Buffalo and Apollo who were going on. There is not much water via CDT Guthooks but Colorado trail says there is some in 2 and 8 miles. I’m planning on slack packing tomorrow. Then around 5 pm Honey Buns, Cheech and her brother stopped to camp here. Unfortunately it began to rain and hail and we watched them, while sitting in the Jeep, try to set up their tents in the downpour. OMG! Nevertheless they were successful with their tents and drove off to town. When it stopped about an hour later my tent was ok. I hope the other earlier hikers who went on weren’t caught in it. Tomorrow the weather is dicey. We shall see.
Justin hiked northbound and met me on the trail with a hug and a soda! (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)Justin explaining to me that the trail leads down through the rocky valley in the distance and then to Spring Creek Pass. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)
Meetup: Day 45 – Wednesday 8/26/2020 – 2006.9 – clear, sunny, cool, no rain, heard thunder in afternoon. I woke at 5 am. I skipped morning poo. It is not raining, but I still put on rain pants and jacket. I was on trail around 5:50 am. I have four climbs today. I’m also racing the weather if it decides to rain in the afternoon. My first climb was long and the grade medium. I met a husband and wife couple who needed water from Justin a few days ago. I passed them and kept going. We played leap frog for a while. Then I got ahead permanently. The second climb was shorter but steeper. It went straight up the front of the hill. I really don’t like those. I stopped at the Creede Cut Off for a snack and to take off rain pants. The third climb was the longest and also steepest. It had few if any switchbacks. It had a long long descent too. I stopped at East Mineral stream for lunch. Then I did the last climb. Although shorter it went straight up the hill. I was getting tired. I descended to Middle Mineral campsite. No one else was there yet. I got there about 1 pm. It took me seven hours to do twelve miles with four big climbs. Ugh! I setup my tent and laid down for a short rest. The water here is three cascading beaver dams. Wow! Those animals are amazing. I’m looking forward to seeing Justin tomorrow. Only 10 miles to get to him. So far no rain has happened today. Then at 5:30 pm I got hail and then rain with thunder. Here’s hoping that it’ll stop and be clear again tomorrow. We shall see. We shall see. I seem to be saying that phrase a lot recently.
Justin scouting out our next meet-up point at Spring Creek Pass where I’ll meet him tomorrow. (Photograph Courtesy of J. Watt)