38 ROADWALK #3 7/22/2021 cool, sunny, puffy white clouds. Because I’m getting closer to Wisdom MT it’s taking less time to drive me to the start point. Today Justin drove me 40 miles to where I had ended yesterday. I started hiking about 5:45 am which is early. I met Breezy and Ridges on my way up Big Hole Pass. Otherwise I saw no one else. I was zooming along at 3 mph slack packing. I got to Justin at 12:15 and sucked down a Coke. Then we drove 20 miles to the RV park. He suggested that we buy pizza for lunch at a local bar/saloon. We walked over and went in. We ordered beers and a pizza. We talked to the bartender and 2 motorcyclists at the bar. He and his girlfriend were characters as was the bartender, Tad. The pizza was very good. We came back to the RV park and sat in the shade. We tried to repair my two air mattresses that have holes. I think I need to buy yet another air mattress. I’m slowly writing this log and nodding off. So I took a nap for two hours. Then had tortilla soup with some extra chicken. I talked to Katie on the phone and told her we’re excited about her hiking in Glacier NP. It’ll be an adventure!