26 2103.3 7/10/2021 sunny, hot. An uneventful day of hiking. Started at 5:30 and got to Justin at 1:30. Started with a medium climb over 5 miles and then descended over 14 miles with some smaller hills on the way down. Sometimes the trail was confusing and I just used Guthooks to get back on trail. Had lunch when I arrived because the mosquitoes on the trail near the end were awful. Justin and I just relaxed under the awning for the afternoon at the trailhead. He chatted with various people who stopped by this trailhead. He is my very sociable son. Dinner was easy. Mac and cheese with some leftover BBQ brisket. I also had tortilla soup to get more hydrated. My little tent is in the sun but it’ll be down soon enough. Tomorrow is about 20 miles and has some climbs. I’m getting to the point I want a shower and clean clothes. I stink and I’m filthy.