24 2062.5 7/8/2021 sunny, clouds, smoke. Today was climbs and long. I was out on trail at 5:25. Both climbs were ok. The audio book helped me keep my mind off the climbs. By 11:00 I finished the second one to Targhee pass at 10,000 feet. Whew! I had lunch about 12:15 and met Cheeto, Blind squirrel, and Flip. They were flip-flopping around CDT waiting for the Colorado snow to dissipate. Then about 3 miles to the Jeep I crossed a stream and they are there cooling down AND SO IS JUSTIN. And he had cold sodas for me. Fantastic! Nevertheless the last 3 miles were hard. I was exhausted. Later at the Jeep Justin and I met a CDT section hiker named iPod. He’s doing southern Montana. We gave him a coke and chatted for a while. For dinner Justin cooked steaks. Yum!