Day 44 – Tuesday 8/25/2020 – 1995.0 – clear, sunny, hot, monsoon clouds, monsoon rain, rain and hail, thunder. I woke at 5 am. I packed up. I was on trail at 5:45 am. I was zooming along. The first one was a medium climb. I loaded up with water at mile 14. I got done at mile 17.8 and my campsite about 1:45 pm – early! I walked 0.3 mile up trail to get even more water so I could have candy and guzzle a bottle. At 3 pm I had a monsoon rain with hail, but then it turned into regular rain, that is, low threatening clouds all over. The temperature dropped. I’m in my tent protected, but tomorrow might be a new adventure if the rain is still here. Tomorrow is four climbs in 12 miles to Middle Mineral. Noodle and Buffalo are at the campsite too. Justin just sent me a note that rain might go through Saturday. It’s only Tuesday. Yikes!