Hiking Together: Meetup: Day 31 – Wednesday 8/12/2020 – main trail 1787.9 – clear, cloudy, cold rain, cloudy, sunny. I woke at 4:45 am and was on trail at 5:50 am. It was a long climb to the pass. Then it was a long descent to Copper Mountain and Justin. I gave him a big Hug! We planned this to be a Stop and Go. I resupplied for one more day, filled water and had two Cokes. Justin hiked out with me around 11 am. Just as we were starting a monsoon rain cloud dumped 15 minutes of heavy rain. We waited under the eaves of the Police Station. When it had passed we began the climb out of here. Justin had already descended this trail yesterday having taken the ski lift to the top. He helped show me the way. At 1 pm or after about 3 miles we stopped for lunch. Afterward I continued on and he returned to the Jeep. I got to my campsite about 3:30 pm. It’s a little exposed but it’s in some trees and I hope it’s ok for tonight. Every so often the wind blows and rattles the tent. Tomorrow I’m shooting to get to Tennessee Pass which is 16 miles away. It looks doable.