Meetup: Day 29 – Monday 8/10/2020 – Silverthorne Alternative 24.1 (NOBO) – clear, sunny, hot. I woke at 4:45 am and was on trail at 5:38 am. I climbed up a canyon and then climbed further. The alternative trail tends to disappear. By using Guthooks app, your eyes and luck most of the times you can find the trail again. But it is tiring and hard. This happened over and over today. In addition there were at least two big climbs and two big descents. All of them wore me out. I got to Justin around 4:15 pm. Over ten hiking hours is much much too long. I was a marching zombie. At the end seeing Justin was wonderful. It took me having some soda, dinner and rest for me to get back to normal. My feet were throbbing. I took an Advil tonight to help them. In my opinion by not having the alternate’s elevation in the app is awful. I can’t plan how to expend my energy. Justin made a delightful Indian dish for dinner. He also glued the tips of my hiking shoes to hold them together. I’m ready to slack-pack through Silverthorne tomorrow.