Meetup: Day 23 – Tuesday 8/4/2020 – 1652.3 – partially cloudy, sunny, hot, cloudy. I woke at 5:10 am, Justin drove me to the trail, and I was on trail at 6:10 am. A little later than my normal daily start time. I was slack pack hiking along fine by the lake shore. Then after 2 miles the trail splits. While I’m hiking I’m listening to an audible book. I come to a fork in the trail. One fork is blocked with cut tree trunks so I go the other way. The trail is clear and easy. After a while I check and I AM OFF TRAIL! What?! It’s been 0.7 mile since the junction. Back I go to the fork. The actual trail was the blocked fork. Argh! And it has lots of blowdowns – no wonder it is blocked. I just lost 1.5 miles or wasted about 35-40 minutes. Grrrr! And then later I think it merged into the same trail. Maybe I could have continued on the first trail. Oh well. It was a mess. After a while later I meet two 300-mile section hikers – Queso and Chips. I chat with them a few minutes and moved on. I get to the last 5 miles which is a 600’ climb. At the top I stop and tell Justin via InReach these delays have set me back about an hour [“Ok i am running an hour late” Aug 4, 2020 12:27 PM]. He’s said that he’s having problems getting a campsite. I’ve finished my audible book and started another. It’s hot and I haven’t had my second morning snack. The campsite is in sight but stop and eat a Clif bar and drink my lemonade. At 12:15 pm I arrive to find Justin waiting at his Jeep. He and I wait to see if any site opens. He meets a couple who have reserved a site but are moving to another one. So we pay and take over their old site. Justin needed to find out about overnight parking, because he is planning to hike with me tomorrow and afterwards he can return to the parked Jeep the next day. He doesn’t need a campsite just a parking spot. While he is away I set up my tent. Just as I’m finishing a family pulls up and says they have a reservation for this exact site. Oh my what should I do? I tried to explain that Justin set all this up, but he’s not here. We walk over to the campground manager, where Justin is, to resolve the conflict. Luckily she found us another spot. So down goes my tent, we move, and I put my tent back up. Finally we are settled. Justin helps me plan the next four days with climbs above 13K. Dinner was great: Trout with Rice. Yum! We chat and enjoy each other’s company.