Start: Day 1 – Monday 7/13/2020 – ended at mile 1271.0. I woke at first light around 4:30 am, packed up, ate Raisin Bran for breakfast, and headed out at 5:18 am. The morning was cool and partially cloudy. Cheerfully I marched along. I consulted my Guthook app regularly to stay on the trail. The sun came out on my right and I said my normal “Good morning Sun”. After about 2 hours I had done 5 miles. I was movin’! So I looked at my mileage and it said I was at mile 1253 and had done 4.9 miles. Suddenly at that moment I realized that I had hiked NORTH and I should have been going south. OMG! I immediately sent a satellite message to Justin [“You won’t believe what I did, I WENT NORTH OMG, I’m 5 miles in and heading back.” Jul 13, 2020 8:04 AM]. I turned around and started speed hiking back the way I came. I kept thinking of all our plans for the next 3 days we’re kaput. Finally I could see the tiny Jeep in the distance. I worried he’d drive off before I got back to the Jeep. Made it. Justin was still there. I told him my terrible goof. I got some water and headed off now in the right direction. I was nearly running to make up the lost miles and time. By 11 I had hiked the number of miles I had planned, but there was no where to stop. I needed water and the next one was way off trail and 6 miles away. So on I trudged. I got there but I was exhausted and the water was littered with cow dung – ugh – not great. Nevertheless I put up my tent. The wind is rattling it. I hope tomorrow is less stressful.