5/6 Blisters

Thru-hiking takes its toll on you. Pushing to complete 20 or more miles a day affects your body. However if you are queasy about dealing with things like blisters please stop reading.

On the second day I was hiking through fields and fields of chunky rock. As I stepped awkwardly on piece after piece my feet and ankles were taking a beating as was my balance. At the end of the day I had a quarter-sized blister on the inside of my right heel. Every step I felt it. That day I didn’t do anything about it. The next day was more of the same. By now each step was painful. By the end of the day I had to do something. So I got a needle out and drained it. The next day started better, but as time went on it again filled up. The human body is great at resealing itself after a puncture. So I had heard about this and never tried it. I sewed a thread through the blister to keep it open. That worked. Each day I change the bandages and the pain is greatly reduced. Now I hope it will dry and callous over.

2 thoughts on “5/6 Blisters”

  1. I never would have thought of that remedy. I’m glad it worked for you. Keep pluggin along Brian, we’re rooting for you the whole way!

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