Hectic day. Post and pictures coming…
Update: So here is the promised picture:

Update: I’m always surprised how long it takes for a buyer to be separated from his money. If you go to Walmart it can be a matter of seconds or a few minutes. I think car dealerships should work the same way. It took me about five hours this time. Now it’s not all the dealer’s fault since I didn’t bring my loan agreement and car titles with me. So there was about an hour in the middle where I had to go fetch them and get lunch. Nevertheless it’s always interesting that the salesman talks to you, but can’t actually do the paperwork. That’s the business manager’s domain. And because there is only one of them you have to wait for him to get to you (in these dire business times you would think that the Honda dealer would not be busy, but this was Saturday and he mumbled something about this being his 8th one that day). So once the paperwork was done, then I had to wait to get the car ready. As a result it took five hours. Regardless, the car is very nice. It is bigger and has more features (CD player, remote locks) as compared to our last one. Naturally as soon as I got it home it became Kathy’s car since she does mostly highway driving to get to work. Oh, and it’s too big for me especially since I use the parking garage and the spaces are tight.