Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

October 24, 2004


Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:38 am

I’ve been working with a programming system that was written by another group within my company. For the last two days I’ve tried to make the system do something for a demo. Late yesterday my partner and I realized that the system just wouldn’t do what we wanted it to do. We postulated how the system should be changed. But unfortunately I don’t have access to the source code. Yet all the code is written in Java and one of its strengths (or weaknesses) is that you can decompile it. This means that you can reconstruct pseudo source code from the compiled computer readable code (for Java this called a .class file). So I went to work today and I decompiled the appropriate code, made the necessary changes, tried them out, and it worked. So sometimes when you think you can’t do something, you really can. Now understand this is only a temporary fix, if I want it to be permanent I’ve got to convince the original owners to accept what I did.

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