Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

August 31, 2004

Quiet reigns again

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:26 am

Well the house is quiet except of the Monday Night football game playing downstairs (it’s the fall, my dear partner loves football, what can I say). The daughter is gone. The sons are gone. Do I miss them? Sure I will always always miss them, but separation helps one acknowledge the special times when we’re all togther. Also I understand that this is part of the normal cycle of things. Young children are so dependent, then as single adults the opposite seems to happen. They’re more much more independent. You rarely see them. Yet as the next generation arrives the family comes back together again, and the cycle begins again. We’re in those in-between years, and things are quiet. Oh, yeah, the digital camera went too, now I gotta do something about that. [Update: Canon A310 & 256MB Lexar Compact Flash on order.]


  1. ooo cool.

    Comment by Justin — August 31, 2004 @ 4:19 am

  2. blogger comments are funky. i leave comments, but they don’t get published, so they don’t show…

    anyway, new toy sounds like fun.

    Comment by Justin — August 31, 2004 @ 9:17 pm

  3. Yes, I agree, their commenting service take a long time to send out.

    Comment by Bri — September 2, 2004 @ 11:06 am

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