Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

July 9, 2004

I hurt for them

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:41 am

Why is it that you can’t stop being a parent? When your children were little and fell down you could comfort them, hold them, and kiss their boo-boo’s away. Now when they’re adults it’s not that easy. You want so much to do the same and somehow you can’t, because it’s typically not physical on the outside, instead it’s emotional on the inside. So now comfort is to listen, to advise, to hug and to say that it will all work out because they’re good, fine, smart, upstanding people. So I’m here in case they need me, and I trust their decisions, and most of all I hurt for them. Again, why is it that you can’t stop being a parent? Because you love them and always will.

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