Watt's Up Musings of an original geek

May 19, 2013

Travels Together

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:00 am


To Kathy,


Travels Together

by Brian Watt


Come sail my dear away far off with me

Upon a ship each day we’ll cruise a long

Up north to lands of ice and snow we’ll be

To spy a grizzly’s catch, an eagle’s song


Ago we flew o’er ocean swell and wave

To see the sights where fam’ly’s born and lay

Of Scottish lands and Sarah Siddon’s grave

Remembered all as though they were today


So two requests I have of you to keep

Each day for you a mem’ry help me make

Each night for me a kiss before we sleep

These things I hope you promise me to make


To travel  again, now that is my oath

To love you always; these I promise both


Love, Your Bri

To Love A Child

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:53 am


To Katie,


To Love A Child

by Brian Watt


It was upon the day I saw you born

I knew my heart was lost for now and more

A life-long pledge that day to you was sworn

To feed, to clothe, to love; it was no chore


Since then the years have come and gone too fast

From meals, to play, to sleep did make you grow

No time it took and now you’re grown at last

And yet my love remains remarkably so


What caused a love like this to come to be?

It is unknown; it is a mystery

It is invisible; nothing to see

It is a miracle; always to be


Someday you may a child be giv’n to raise

And then your heart will be within your gaze


Love, Dad


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