Last week as I started on my long run I felt soreness in my right upper chest. Since I’d been doing all this sanding, and staining on the door and table I thought it was just muscle soreness. As the run continued I forgot about it. Later that day I continued on my refinishing chores, but didn’t feel the soreness then. I think it was on Sunday or Monday that I noticed a lump in my upper right breast. It wasn’t especially tender, but it was harder than my normal breast tissue and it was about two inches across. I showed it to Kathy on Monday night who told me to get an appointment with the doctor to check it out.

Stephanie’s comment re: mammogram: “he’s going to be like the only guy there.”
But yeah, get that checked out!
Comment by Justin — October 18, 2008 @ 4:07 pm
black out the nipple…too much nipple showing…it is x-rated
Comment by katie — October 22, 2008 @ 8:31 pm
Done – blackened nip
Comment by Bri — October 23, 2008 @ 1:19 am