I got this new toy yesterday. It’s a Garmin nuvi 255W GPS.

I’ve wanted a GPS for a while. I had previously ordered one back in March before our recent cross country trip, but I canceled the order in late June just before the trip, because this model hadn’t been released by then. So after receiving it yesterday I decided to try it out. Kathy went with me. We selected the nearest gas station, a Shell. But there was no station there. This was not good. Next I selected an Exxon station, and it indeed directed me correctly to one around our block. Along the way I made a mistake and it recalculated the path correctly. But it does get confused if I drive through a parking lot, that is, not on a known street. After filling up my gas tank we selected our nearby HEB grocery store. This is our regular grocery store, which we are very familiar how to get there. It directed us almost to the store. But just before we got to the turn to go into the shopping center, it directed me to turn on the street before it. I think it was trying to direct me around the block to another entrance, but it was confusing. Let’s hope this is not a regular thing.