I few years ago (I think it was in 2004) I signed up for weight watchers and it helped me lose about 30 pounds. Well over the past few years, especially since last spring, I’ve started to gain it back. I don’t seem to be able to lose it on my own. So I’ve joined weight watchers at work to help me. I typically need some external help to accomplish something like this. This along with my running course should keep me busy this fall.
August 31, 2008
August 24, 2008
Weekend housework
Sometimes you just have to stay home and get some housework done. I had some honey-do’s that needed to be taken care of this weekend. Actually it’s been months and I’ve been lazy so I finally got around to them. This included stopping by my insurance agent and by the tax collector to tell them I’ve paid off my car loan so they can remove the lien-holder from the title. In addition we are canceling an old but recently expensive credit card. This was one which we’ve had for over 10 years, and accidentally was late on a payment a few months ago so they boosted the rate to a ridiculous percentage. I phoned them for a better rate since we’d been such good customers and they said sorry maybe in 6 months they would lower it. Well screw them. We paid it off, canceled it, and got a totally new one from the credit union. Over the years they probably have made thousands off us and they won’t any longer – bye bye a**holes. Can you tell that I’m upset. And if you think I’m upset you should hear my dear partner – cover your ears. Well it’s their loss. On another less emotional item I cleaned the master bathroom today. I scrubbed, rubbed, and tubbed the entire place. On my hands and knees with a brush, and finally I stood in the shower stall naked and sprayed it with mold and mildew spray and cleaned it until it sparkled. The cleaners I used made it tough to breathe in those confined spaces especially the shower stall. So I kept the fan going and every so often I had to leave the room for fresh air. Yet it’s done. The mirror is spotless. The sink is shiny and sealed with surface protectant. The toilet bowl is wand scrubbed with lime-a-way, and hand-scrubbed with a scouring pad (ugh). And the shower, ah the shower, is brush scrubbed, and bathed in industrial mildew and mold cleaning agents. Nothin’ like a toxic bath of chemicals to make this bathroom again usable to mankind.

August 17, 2008
Katie and Bri to SeaWorld
As part of a great deal from the IBM Country Club, Katie and I bought tickets to SeaWorld in San Antonio on Saturday. The whole bundle included parking, two entry tickets, and two meal tickets. This is known as IBM Family Day. We left Austin about 8 AM and arrived at about 10:30 AM. The longest line of the day was just to get into the parking lot. Here we are at the beginning of our day together.

August 10, 2008
Busy Saturday
Just a short post to say that Saturday was busy for me. Celeste and I ran the 10 mile Town Lake loop crossing MoPac and the Longhorn Dam from 7 AM to 9 AM. The weather was hot starting in the high 70s Fahrenheit and ending in the low 80s – too hot to run. We ran and chatted about things, and at times we walked. Then I went back home to clean up since I was soaked with sweat, and then turned around and went downtown to a Robot Sumo contest where I was volunteering. On the way I stopped and bought a new pair of running sneakers that I desperately needed for weeks or maybe months. Arriving at the contest I helped set up and assisted the score keeper with his duties. However I couldn’t stay to the end. I had to leave early to attend a marriage re-commitment ceremony for out friends Kathy and Ken 30th anniversary. This meant getting on a shirt, tie, and suit coat in the mens room of the Austin Recreation Center where the contest was being held. So one minute I was in shorts and a tee-shirt and the next I was in coat and tie. I felt like Superman entering a phone booth and a second later emerging dressed in cape and tights. I don’t think anyone recognized me at the contest. Well anyways, the re-commitment ceremony was a lovely affair. Their children, Helen, Paul and Mariah, had arranged for friends and family to attend as a surprise. Then afterwards the children had a reception for their mother and father. It was almost a complete wedding experience but alas no garters were removed or bouquets were thrown. Nevertheless by the end of the day I was dragging.
August 5, 2008
Cabinet Shelving
This weekend Katie and I built shelves under the island cooktop. This has been something that Kathy has wanted for years. We also did it because Matthew has become an MDF (Medium-Density Fibreboard) master carpenter, and we tried to show him that we had the right stuff, but I doubt that we even came close. For example, we shaped all the shelf edges with the router just like he’s done in his home.

We put one shelf on the left for pots, and four shelves on the right for pans