I’ve been worried about my car tires being under inflated. About a week ago I stopped by a gas station to fill up my front right tire. I had a terrible time trying to use the machine. Their nozzle was messed up and I couldn’t get it to seal. It kept leaking air. It was a total waste of time. I’ll never go back to that station. So this weekend I’ve been investigating 12-volt portable air compressors. I don’t want something cheap or junky. I’ve already got one of those. I’d like something solid and well made. I thought that an auto parts store would be the best place to look. Yesterday I decided to shop for one by stopping at the local Auto Zone. However, I wasn’t impressed. So I kept looking. I went to O’Reilly’s, Pep Boys, NAPA, even WalMart and another AutoZone. I still didn’t find what I wanted, although I saw two possible ones – one at Pep Boys and another at the second Auto Zone. Still I didn’t buy one. Arriving back home I went on the internet to search for one. After a few searches I started to get hits on the one I saw at Pep Boys with good reviews, but I found out that it had to be attached directly to the battery. I was looking for one that used the lighter socket. It was then that I found another one from the same vendor that used the lighter socket. I also remembered that Pep Boys had one in stock. So today I went out and got it. It’s a Master Flow Cyclone and it was on sale too.

Photo courtesy of amazon.com