I have finished re-kitting all the old Lego kits. Yup all the kits that I’m going to re-kit have been checked and double checked. Here is what I did (I’m probably repeating myself from an earlier post). I sorted the kit’s parts from the mass of miscellaneous parts. I printed out each kit’s instruction and inventories from Peeron.com, and put each in a separate binder. I ordered any missing parts from BrickLink.com. I built each kits following the instructions to check if I had everything. After assembly I broke the kit down, again inventoried it and ordered any missing parts. When the parts arrived I put them in the correct kit which I put in a box with its binder with the other kits.
Here are a few pictures of the last few kits:

This all started because of this last kit and a few others which I remembered we had purchased over twenty years ago. Then as I sorted and inventoried the parts I kept finding other unique parts which caused me to re-kit even more kits. The Train was the inspiration and it was also the last kit I re-kitted. Finally a month or so ago I stopped searching the mass of parts to figure out what kits to re-kit. I thought it was fitting that the Train was the last kit that I re-kitted and the last kit I verified by building it. Best wishes ol’ Legos and especially best wishes ol’ Train. I don’t know what I’ll be doing with you, but whatever happens to you now you are all organized in plastic bags. Ready anytime for someone to again have the enjoyment of putting you together and making you move and go.