We’re Makers! We have Maker Faire badges – woohoo!. Mike made up gray T-shirts for both Kathy and I with the cover of his book on them. He and Annelle had blue knits shirt with the cover too. We left home at 8:30, got to the Faire at 9 AM, did some last minute setting up and the Faire started at 10 AM. We were in the children’s area. Lots of family oriented things were located there. Annelle and Kathy were a great team. Annelle would push the big car back, explain how it worked and Kathy was at the other end as the big car catcher. After the ride Annelle would gently direct them to Mike who would tell them about the book. Very smooth. I was a “maker” sitting on the edge of the booth cutting cardboard, gluing it and making small runner band cars to give out. We did that from 10 AM to 6 PM. Amazing how tiring doing this is. If that wasn’t enough… After the Faire closed for the night we quickly closed up and headed to town to see the Newsboys. We got the tickets through Annelle and Mike’s daughter. We were right down front. Great seats, and a great time. We got home and crashed – we were exhausted.
Update: Our display just before the crowds arrived

Update: Newsboy Concert showing the drummer on his vertical spinning stand – awesome!

dad the newboys link doesn’t work…just to let you know
Comment by Katie — October 23, 2007 @ 12:26 am
Fixed it as best as I could
Comment by Bri — October 23, 2007 @ 12:44 am