I week or so ago I bought a MiniPOV3 from Make magazine, Makezine. Yesterday I purchased a Weller WLC100 soldering iron, a Panavise Jr Model 201, a Z-TECH Helping Hands with Magnifier Model 53-003, some 60/40 rosin core solder and 5 ft. of .075 inch solder wick from Frys electronics.

MiniPOV3 circuit board in vise.Today after doing some yard work, I put together my MiniPOV3 using
the MiniPOV Instructables. I switched it on and it worked the first time. Neat. Next I downloaded the
WinAVR development system. I attached the MinPOV3 to the serial port of my computer and reprogrammed it to say “I Love Kathy!”. Neat again. My plan is to learn more about the ATtiny2313V-10PU.
My favorite part is how you’re soldering upstairs in the game room!
Comment by justin — September 17, 2007 @ 6:01 am
I was very very careful
Comment by Bri — September 18, 2007 @ 1:10 am