Sorry for not posting in so long. Although things have been busy, I’ve not had the desire to post anything. Why I don’t exactly know…
I’ve been to my Dad’s 90th birthday in Buffalo, N.Y. in mid June with my family. I had a great time both at the party seeing my relatives and with my own family at a great bed-and-breakfast.

Then I’ve been working. I continue to develop software for the Cell Broadband Engine. Development is almost done for my current project, and we’ll soon enter formal test. It’s interesting and challenging work. The other people I work with are great – smart, and hard-working.
Yesterday I goofed off. I did my long run in the morning, I watched two movies (Sicko and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), and had lunch with Katie. Today I did various chores around the house: washed the kitchen floor, mowed the lawn, trimmed the garden bushes, and did the grocery shopping.
Two weeks ago we missed putting out the recycleables. By the time we got them out to the curb the containers were overflowing. So today I also bought a soda can crusher to help reduce the recyclable bulk.

It was fun using it.