Well I borrowed a game for the PS3 in my office. It’s called Resistance: The Fall of Man. It’s a first person shooter. Since I’m not a gamer I set it on “easy”. Well it wasn’t. Within a minute I had died and the game restarted from the beginning. After about 20 times I was still trying to get used to the controls and past the first obstacle. I was almost ready to give up. Yet one time I got just a little bit farther. So the next time I died I was reborn further on in the game. This gave me hope. I still don’t fully understand the controls and that’s a major source of frustration to me. Just to move forward, and backward is a struggle – aiming the gun is almost beyond me. I have to get to the point where I think and I automatically move the controls to match. This is a major limitation for beginners. After about 30 to 45 minutes of playing, my son phoned and asked to go see a movie. I found it very easy to call it quits and leave. Now I need to figure out how to turn the game off. Each button I push operates the game and so far none sent me back to the PS3 menu system. Something else to figure out.
May 7, 2007
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Too bad it’s not a chip for the Wii that you’re working on. The guys at work keep telling me those are still hard to come by.
Comment by Justin — May 7, 2007 @ 7:00 am