Over the past few days I’ve been working on a Java Applet that randomly places four “miners” for the 2007 Robofest game. I’ve created three different versions so far. Each has a slightly different randomization algorithm based upon input from the Robofest organizers. Here are the three versions.
- Version 1 – press the Randomize button to randomize the displayed miners
- Version 2 – press the Change Division button from Jr to Sr and back; press the Change Round button from 1 to 2 and back; press Randomize button to randomize the miners
- Version 3 – press the Change Division button from Jr to Sr and back; press the Change Round button from 1 to 2 and back; press Randomize button to randomize the miners. Miner 2 in random 20″ width central square
- Version 4 – Update: See version 3. Miner 2 in random 20″ diameter central circle
- Version 5 – Update: See version 3. I added a visual red circle and a plus at its center to show the area where Miner 2 can be placed. I’ve moved the center of this circle down so that it does not overlay with the tunnel wall. Note: that Miner 2 still must be at least 10″ from Miner 1 and 4. I’ve also increased the offset from 1 inch to 1.5 inches for Miner 3 from the corner and Miner 4 from the wall.
Note: You’ll need to have Java installed for them to work. I should probably consider using JavaScript.